Councillor P. Singh has given notice to introduce the following motion for consideration this date:
"WHEREAS, the City of Kitchener has a long-standing informal park dedication program that allows citizens, organizations, and businesses to dedicate trees, benches, and other amenities throughout our city's parks, trails, and public spaces;
WHEREAS, the current dedication process may involve unnecessary complexities, leading to delays and inefficient management of resources;
WHEREAS, the Places and Spaces strategy development underway includes a review of the dedication program and community engagement has demonstrated support for a formalized dedication program;
WHEREAS, the review of the dedication program will ensure that the dedication process is streamlined, transparent, and accessible, maximizing citizen participation and satisfaction;
WHEREAS, the dedication of trees, benches, and other objects under this program holds significant value for commemorating loved ones, celebrating accomplishments, and fostering community engagement;
WHEREAS, it is essential for the City of Kitchener to maintain an efficient and effective dedication program that aligns with our commitment to sustainability, inclusive community development, the City’s strategic initiatives and goals, and responsible resource management;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that staff be directed to conduct a thorough review of the dedication program, with a key focus on the dedication process for trees, benches, and other commemorative donations;
FURTHERMORE, this review shall include, but not be limited to, the following aspects:
1. Evaluation of the current dedication program's strengths and weaknesses, including feedback from Council, citizens, program participants, and relevant community stakeholders;
2. Analysis of the administrative procedures involved in the dedication process, aiming to identify potential bottlenecks and areas for improvement;
3. Examination of best practices and lessons learned from other municipalities with successful dedication programs for similar amenities;
4. Assessment of resource allocation and cost recovery mechanisms related to dedications, ensuring sustainability and equitable access for all community members;
5. Exploration and recommendation of technological solutions, such as online platforms or mobile applications, that could streamline the dedication process while ensuring transparency and accountability;
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the staff shall present their findings and recommendations to City Council in spring of 2024, along with an implementation plan for any proposed changes to the dedication program."