Committee of Revision
Appointed - Councillors S. Davey, Councillor P. Singh and Councillor B. Ioannidis
Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery - Board of Directors
Appointed - Councillor D. Schnider
Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee
Appointed - Councillor J. Deneault
Grand River Hospital – Board of Trustees
*Appointment no Longer Required
Homer Watson House Foundation
Appointed - Councillor C. Michaud
Horticultural Society - Kitchener - Board of Directors
Appointed - Councillor D. Chapman
Huron Natural Area Joint Ventures Committee
Appointed: Councillor A. Owodunni and Councillor J. Deneault
Kitchener In Bloom Committee
It was noted on the working document provided that a Council member appointment to Kitchener in Bloom was no longer required. M. May stated he would follow up with staff related to the matter and if required, this appointment could be addressed at a future meeting.
Multicultural Centre of K-W Board of Directors
Appointed: Councillor A. Owodunni
Oktoberfest Inc. - Advisory Council - K-W
Appointed: Councillor D. Schneider and Councillor C. Michaud
Wilfrid Laurier University - Board of Governors
Appointed: Mayor B. Vrbanovic
Centre In The Square Inc. – Board of Directors (1 year Council)
Appointed - Councillors P. Singh, Councillor B. Ioannidis and Councillor S. Davey
Kitchener Downtown Business Improvement Association (BIA)
It was noted this appointment is typically held by the Member of Council from Ward 10. Based on the decision earlier this date to appoint Stephanie Stretch as the new Ward 10 Council member, it was requested, the BIA be appointment be reserved pending the future appointment.