Council considered Infrastructure Services Department report INS-2023-508, dated November 10, 2023, entitled Phase 1 report and guiding principles - Kitchener Utilities (KU) Transition Strategy, related to Kitchener Utilities’ natural gas delivery business and the need to evolve, in response to ongoing changes in the global, national, provincial, and local energy context as the clean energy transition continues, and to align with the City’s and the community’s climate change commitments.
K. Daley, Senior Strategist, Carbon and Energy Planning, presented the report, noting the project is currently in Phase 1 with a focus on building relationships and understanding around values, goals, and scoping of the strategy. K. Daley provided an overview of the guiding principles for the transition strategy, including making responsible, accountable, and financially rewarding business decisions; serving customers as an affordable and reliable partner in the energy transition; contributing to a thriving community; and, planning for multiple energy futures with flexibility and focus. K. Daley then responded to questions from Council. G. St. Louis, Director, Utilities, was also in attendance to respond to questions from Council.