That Council support the City’s grant submission to the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund Stream 2 for the construction of the quad gymnasium located at the Kitchener Indoor Recreation Complex, as outlined in Financial Services Department report FIN-2024-411; and,
That Council supports the City’s grant submission to the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Federal Grant program for the construction of the quad gymnasium located at the Kitchener Indoor Recreation Complex; and,
That the total budget for the gymnasium located at the Kitchener Indoor Recreation Complex be approved at $29,913,529, and that, if both grant applications are successful, an additional maximum debenture financing in the amount of $9,913,529 be authorized, and that, if only one grant application is successful, an additional maximum debenture financing in the amount of $19,913,529 be authorized; in both scenarios, for a term not exceeding 20 years (to be repaid from future development charge revenue earmarked for indoor recreation facilities); and,
That the Chief Administrative Officer or a General Manager is hereby authorized to execute the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund (CSRIF) and the Green and Inclusive Community Building (GICB) application, and if successful, execute a CSRIF Transfer Payment Agreement with the Ministry of Sport, and any other CSRIF or GICB related documentation; said agreement and other related documentation is to be to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor; and,
That, if the grant application is successful, staff be directed to execute the supplementary agreement with the IPD team signatories for the construction phase of the project; and further,
That staff be directed to report back to Council if the grant funding is unsuccessful with options for advancing the gym construction, or if the City is a successful grant recipient, report back to Council through an information report summarizing the status of the application."