Council considered Official Plan Amendment Application OPA24/001/V/CD and Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA24/001/V/CD, 236-264 Victoria Street North, DSD-2024-132, which was considered at the April 8, 2024 Council meeting and deferred to allow an opportunity for the applicant to further discuss the lease arrangements with the existing tenant Grand River Rocks.
A. Sinclair, MHBC Planning, was in attendance this date in support of the recommendation outlined in report DSD-2024-132. A. Sinclair indicated since the previous meeting the applicant has had the opportunity to dialogue with Grand River Rocks related to their tenancy at the subject property. A. Sinclair noted based on the discussions the previous week, the applicant has now been able to submit their commitments in writing to City staff related to affordable housing and to their discussions with the existing tenant Grand River Rocks. A. Sinclair then responded to questions from Council. In response to further questions, A. Sinclair advised Grand River Rocks have requested some amendments to their existing lease agreement, which has been submitted to the property owner, and are still to be reviewed.
Questions were raised regarding the affordable housing commitment of 32-units, A. Sinclair noted there was a clerical error in the letter, noting the applicant has committed to 32-units. Further to that, questions were raised regarding development phasing, A. Sinclair stated it is intended at this time to develop the site in phases, indicating it is anticipated that the phase closest to St. Ledger Street would be constructed last.
In response to questions, C. Dumart noted, if this application is appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) the concessions that have been committed to are beyond the Planning Act application considerations and would be beyond the scope of the OLT considerations.
The following motion was then voted on, on a recorded vote.