The Committee reviewed the Capital Forecast outlined in Appendix C and the Issue Papers in Appendix G.
M. May, General Manager, Community Services Department, responded to questions related to the Forest Heights Community Centre Addition and the use of outdoor rinks listed within Neighbourhood Programs & Services capital budget.
V. Raab, General Manager, Corporate Services Department, responded to questions related to the development of an Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategic Plan Review, noting the work was anticipated to begin in 2025. In response to further questions, the biggest successes to date related to Equity Diversity and Inclusion Division included establishing and implementing of the Racialized and Indigenous Supports for Equity (RISE) Fund. In response to further questions, Council approved a one-time increase to the RISE fund in 2024, acknowledging that the program was a pilot project and staff anticipate reporting back on the program in 2025.
M. May, responded to the questions related to the arena strategy, noting that work is anticipated to be completed in 2025. M. May further advised staff anticipated bringing forward a report in 2025 related to the Auditorium and the future of that space.
Questions were raised regarding the City's website and whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been taken into consideration for the website refresh, V. Raab acknowledged the suggestion and noted it would be taken into consideration when that project is due to commence.
J. Readman responded to questions related to road resurfacing program and the proposed funding.
In response to further questions, J. Readman responded to the Downtown Facade program and noted staff could provide additional information to Council related to the success of the program.
Questions were raised regarding small scale traffic calming, and whether members of Council could install additional flexi poles within the wards. J. Readman indicated that program typically has a deficit at the end of the year in the amount of $10,000. J. Readman noted there was a $100,000. funding increase in 2024 and shared how that funding was allocated. Councillor C. Michaud requested whether there was an opportunity to increase funding into the small scale traffic calming program for 2025.
Councillor D. Chapman requested clarification on the Heritage Property Grant Program, which J. Readman then responded to questions from Committee related to the change in the program since 2002. J. Readman further advised, the Heritage Grant Program is following subscribed annually.
Councillor B. Ioannidis requested additional information on the Brownfield remediation program and how funding is allocated. D. Chapman noted staff could provide additional information on that budget line, noting the allocation aligns to approved applications that will be fully reimbursed.
D. McGoldrick responded to questions on the Invasive Species Management Plan, the Neighbourhood Park Rehabilitation Program, New Neighbourhood Parks Program, the Rockway Gardens Annual repairs, the Kitchener Utilities Business Strategy in Kitchener Utilities Rental Programs outlined in Infrastructure Services Budget. In response to further questions, D. McGoldrick advised staff can follow up on the tree planting program, specifically in relation to the impact of the Emerald Ash Borer and provide confirmation on the status of that work.
Questions were raised regarding park rehabilitations related to Country Hills Park, Countryside (DMAF) park, Doon Old Mill Ruins and Upper Canada Park projects proposed in the Capital budget, D. McGoldrick responded to questions from the Committee.
Councillor D. Chapman requested clarification on the Victoria Park Master Plan Implementation. D. McGoldrick advised the Master Plan is due to be completed in 2025, the funding within the Capital Budget is for implementation.
D. McGoldrick responded to questions related to the Disaster Mitigation Adaptation Fund (DMAF) related to the Walter Bean Trail. D. McGoldrick advised funding has not yet been allocated to the land acquisition component for the Trail to date, that will need to be updated further once the final study recommendation has been completed.
Councillor D. Chapman raised questions about winter sanitation cans, D. McGoldrick advised that Council allocated funding to this program in 2023.