Equity and Anti-Racism Advisory Committee

Committee Minutes

Electronic Meeting
  • A. Beals, Member
  • A. Munir, Member
  • S. Oji, Member
  • O. Olayinka, Member
  • A. Oluokun, Member
  • R. Ramdenee, Member
  • V. Vasquez, Member
  • Y. Torres, Committee Staff Liaison / Senior Equity Advisor
  • A. Drumond, Executive Assistant, Coroproate Services
  • S. Syed, Coordinator, Equity, Anti‐Racism and Reconciliation
  • M. Mills, Committee Administrator

The meeting was called to order by Y. Torres at approximately 5:30 p.m.  The session began with a Land Acknowledgement delivered by S. Syed.

No declarations of pecuniary interest were made.

There were no delegations.

Y. Torres welcomed the members to the inaugural meeting of the new term. A calendar of the upcoming meeting dates for 2025 was presented to the members, and key dates, attendance expectations, and quorum requirements were highlighted.

A roundtable of introductions was conducted, and members participated in an ice-breaker activity designed to facilitate engagement and interaction among the committee members.

M. Mills, Committee Administrator from Legislated Services, provided an orientation to advisory committees through a PowerPoint presentation. The following topics were covered:

  • Advisory Committee Role/Reporting Structure
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Meeting Procedures
  • Code of Conduct
  • Conflict of Interest

The staff presentation is appended to the meeting minutes for reference.

Y. Torres provided an overview of the Equity, Anti-Racism and Reconciliation (EARR) team’s structure and responsibilities. Key points included:

  • City of Kitchener Structure
  • Kitchener Council’s Role
  • Responsibilities of the City vs. Region
  • History of Equity Work at the City
  • EARR Role and Responsibilities
  • EARR Team Structure
  • EARR 2025 Workplan

The staff presentation is appended to the meeting minutes for reference.

A question was raised regarding the possibility of informal meetings among committee members.  A. Drumond clarified that while members are free to meet informally, any meeting of the committee members that meets quorum would be considered an official meeting and, as such, will require public notice in accordance with legislated requirements.

Y. Torres referred the members to the previously circulated Terms of Reference (TOR). Y. Torres reviewed the document and highlighted several proposed housekeeping updates. Members were encouraged to suggest revisions collaboratively, with the intention to discuss and vote on proposed amendments at the next meeting scheduled for February 25.

It was noted that any amendments to the Terms of Reference would require approval from City Council.

Y. Torres outlined the roles and responsibilities of the Co-Chairs and Alternate Co-Chair. The positions are held for a term of two (2) years, though they may be revisited annually if necessary.

Committee members expressed a preference for a combination of returning and new members for the Co-Chair roles.  Members agreed to either self-nominate or nominate another committee member.

Y. Torres opened the floor for nominations for the position of Co-Chair. The following individuals were nominated:

- V. Vasquez nominated themself for Co-Chair

- A.M. Beals nominated A. Oluokun for Co-Chair

- O. Olayinka nominated R. Ramdenee for Co-Chair


Y. Torres called for any further nominations; there were none.

Y. Torres called for a vote on the nominations for Co-Chair. The vote was conducted by show of hands, with the following results:

- V. Vasquez: 6 votes in favour

- A. Oluokun: 4 votes in favour

- R. Ramdenee: 3 votes in favour


After tallying the votes, it was declared that V. Vasquez and A. Oluokun were elected as Co-Chairs, and R. Ramdenee was elected as Alternate Chair, to assume the role in the absence of either Co-Chair.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 pm.


Minutes Prepared by:

A. Drumond, Committee Administrator