Councillor C. Michaud declared a conflict on this item (Councillor C. Michaud declared a pecuniary interest with respect to the Not For Profit Affordable Rental and Cooperative (Co-op) Housing Incentive (Pilot), DSD-2024-143, due to their place of employment. Accordingly, Councillor C. Michaud did not participate in any discussion or vote regarding this matter).
Councillor B. Ioannidis declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor B. Ioannidis declared a pecuniary interest with respect to the Not For Profit Affordable Rental and Co-op Housing Incentive (Pilot), DSD-2024-143, due to their place of employment. Accordingly, B. Ioannidis did not participate in any discussion or vote regarding this matter).
The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2024-143, dated March 12, 2024, recommending approval of the Not For Profit affordable rental and Co-op Housing Incentive (Pilot).
Councillor B. Ioannidis entered the meeting at this time.
T. Roberts, Project Manager, presented an overview of the report. J. Oosterveld, Manager of Customer Experience & Project Management, and R. Bustamante, Director of Planning & Housing Policy were in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee.
E. Philip, Thresholds Homes and Support was in attendance in support of the staff recommendation, advocating for additional resources for not for profit organizations to intensify and develop existing capital resources for highly affordable housing.
In response to questions from the Committee regarding financial barriers for not for profit organizations seeking to develop affordable housing. E. Phillip noted reallocation of funds to external projects is extremely challenging, as costs that do not provide direct support to their clients often become a barrier to not for profit organizations. In response to further questions, E. Philip noted key factors to determine whether a development project is not for profit includes densityand the impact of the selected site location on the general community.
A. Biodeau, KW Habilitation addressed the Committee in support of the staff recommendation, noting incentive programs encourage not for profit organizations to pursue development projects that provide supportive housing and affordable units. A. Biodeau also noted the benefits of implementing a mentorship program model through the proposed pilot project, as a means of fostering information sharing and learning opportunities between organizations.
Councillor M. Johnston left the meeting at this time. Councillor D. Schnider assumed the Chair.
Councillor M. Johnston resumed Chair at this time.
In response to questions from the Committee, A. Biodeau confirmed implementing a mentorship program for not for profit organizations, to shadow the development process of the selected organizations would serve as a great tool for less experienced organizations seeking to develop affordable housing, and would build capacity within the development sector.
R. Fewster, M. Molengraaf, and S. Burrows were in attendance in support of the staff recommendation, noting the impact the incentive program would have on the housing crisis, and on the ability of not for profit organizations to develop affordable housing.
L. Intini was in attendance in support of the staff recommendation, noting the importance of increasing the affordable housing units available due to the growing housing crisis.
In response to questions from the Committee, J. Oosterveld stated the Not for Profit Affordable Rental & Co-op Housing Incentive is a pilot program designed to address financial barriers of developing new affordable housing units. It was noted the proposed pilot program provides a $10,000/unit grant for qualifying developments to incentivize 520 new units with a commitment to 260 units with building permits issued by September 1, 2026. J. Oosterveld further clarified the application process and potential eligibility criteria for organizations to receive funding.
Councillor P. Singh brought forward a motion to approve the staff recommendation as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2024-143, including an amendment, "that financial review and analysis be incorporated into the funding eligibility criteria in efforts to confirm the viability of organizations’ proposed affordable housing projects and their ability to obtain a building permit; and further, that staff be directed to consider the creation of a mentorship program for not-for-profit organizations, to shadow the development process of the selected organizations participating in the Not-For-Profit Affordable Rental & Co-operative Housing Incentives (Pilot).”
A recorded vote was requested at this time.
Councillor P. Singh's motion was then voted on, and Carried unanimously, on a recorded vote.