E. Rumble updated the committee that jurors selected four artist proposals to move to stage two for the Mill Courtland Community Centre (MCCC) public art competition. The chosen proposals are a good mix of ideas and backgrounds. He informed the chosen artists of expectations for presenting to jurors on November 2. At that time, the jury will select up to three proposals to be ranked by the community. Community centre staff and other city staff will help to facilitate that public input. E. Rumble reminded members that the budget for the artwork is $30,000 stemming from the 1% public art policy allocation from the planned expansion of the centre. Final decision selection is planned for first half of 2025, with construction scheduled to start in May or June 2025, and the installation of the selected artwork sometime in 2026.
The call for expressions of interest for the Kitchener Indoor Recreation Complex (KIRC) public art competition is open with a deadline of November 4. Staff held an information session earlier this month. The facility has three potential options for artists to consider locating an artwork, with a budget of $300,000. The jury will need to select up to five proposals to move to stage two in early 2025. The aim is to select a winning proposal by spring 2025, with a goal to smoothly integrate the installation into the facility's construction timeline. Just as in the case of MCCC, artists will be paid for preparing and presenting more detailed stage two proposals. E. Rumble is seeking an ACAC representative to sit on the jury. He briefly outlined the responsibilities.
Action: E. Rumble will email details of jury obligations to all members with an ask for representation.
The creation of artwork for the KPL Southwest branch is progressing well with installation planned for mid-December, 2024. The library branch should open in early 2025. E. Rumble is currently working with the artist team, library and city accessibility staff, to produce interpretive signage and video to compliment the artwork. This artwork would also lend itself well to ongoing programing at the library.
K. Varin reminded members that the current committee term ends this November, and interested members can re-apply by September 27.