That in the fall of 2023, the city’s Leisure Access fee assistance program be expanded to cover programs offered by all Neighbourhood Associations at a city-owned community centre, and staff be directed to build the financial impact of that program expansion into the 2024 operating budget, as outlined in Community Services Department report CSD-2023-125; and,
That, as a condition of affiliation with the City, all Neighbourhood Associations offering programs out of a city-owned community centre, be required to use the City’s Inclusion Support Worker program for all program participants who request such support/accommodation; and,
That in the fall of 2023, the City fund the cost of residents utilizing its Inclusion Support Worker program when participating in programs offered by a Neighbourhood Association at a City-owned community centre, and staff be directed to build the financial impact of this change into the 2024 operating budget; and,
That, the City’s Facility Booking Guidelines for Non-Profit Groups (MUN-FAC-415) be updated and clarified to reflect the following key elements:
a. It is vital to have a variety of programs, supports and services offered out of a community centre that meet the diverse needs of residents living in the surrounding neighbourhoods.
b. Neighbourhood Associations are one of the City’s important partners in the delivery of programs offered at city-owned community centres. When making decisions about the allocation of space at a city-owned community centre, the space needs of Neighbourhood Association programs should be considered alongside the space needs of other diverse programming provided by other organizations and the City.
c. Leveraging community organizations that have specific skills, expertise and experience to offer a variety of programs and supports out of a community centre is key to the success of the centre, and the health and wellbeing of residents living in the surrounding neighbourhoods.
d. City staff have the final decision-making authority on the allocation and booking of space in a city-owned community centre; and,
That, the City’s Neighbourhood Affiliation Policy (MUN-FAC-324) be amended to add a condition of affiliation requiring Neighbourhood Associations that provide programming out of a City-owned community centre to:
a. Establish and publish online an equity, diversity and inclusion policy for the Association which, at a minimum, commits to providing a variety of programs at city-owned community centres that meet the diverse needs of the residents.
b. Have all Neighbourhood Association Board members participate in city-organized and funded EDI training on a periodic basis; and,
That, staff undertake a comprehensive review of the City’s current program registration processes (including potential improvements to ActiveNet), with a focus on improving the user experience for members of the public registering for programs and members of Neighbourhood Associations running programs; and,
That an issue paper be prepared for Council’s consideration as part of the 2024 budget process that would outline the staffing and financial implications of opening city-owned centres on weekends, and earlier in the weekday mornings – potentially through a phased, multi-year approach; and,
That, the City work with a representative group of Neighbourhood Associations to develop and launch a comprehensive, ongoing, city-wide promotional campaign to educate residents on the existence of the community centres and Neighbourhood Associations, as well as programs, services and supports that can be accessed at those centres; and,
That the City test the creation of a multi-year partnership agreement between the City and one of the larger, more complex Neighbourhood Associations providing programs and other services out of a city-owned community centre and make a determination as to whether or not there is value in extending such agreements to other large Neighbourhood Associations in the future; and,
That, the City’s Neighbourhood Affiliation Policy (MUN-FAC-324) be amended to add a condition of affiliation requiring Neighbourhood Associations that provide programming out of a City-owned community centre, and have generated more than $20,000 in revenue during the previous fiscal year, to:
a. Provide the following financial information to the City on an annual basis: (1) total revenue generated during their previous fiscal year, (2) total expenses in their previous fiscal year, and (3) total funding held in reserves/savings.
b. Establish and publish online a reinvestment policy that will outline how the Association will reinvest net-revenues generated through programming offered at City-owned community centres into the community; and,
That, as a condition of affiliation, to support ongoing two-way sharing of information and collaboration between the City and Neighbourhood Associations providing programs out of a City-owned community centre, the Ward Councillor and a City staff person be invited to all Board meetings and the Association’s Annual General Meeting; and,
That, as a condition of affiliation, Neighbourhood Associations providing programming out of a city-owned community centre, agree to turn over any unspent funding to the City prior to ceasing to operate; and that the City provide that funding to a future Neighbourhood Association in the area or invest it into the community centre and/or surrounding neighbourhoods previously served by that Neighbourhood Association; and,
That, in order to ensure the city’s community centre operating model continually responds to changing circumstances and needs within the community, the City review and update its Facility Booking Guideline policy for non-profit groups (MUN-FAC-415), and Neighbourhood Association Affiliation policy (MUN-FAC-324) every five years; and further,
That staff bring forward a status update on the changes outlined in Community Services Department report CSD-2023-125 prior to the end of the 2026 Council Term.