Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers - Hybrid
City of Kitchener
200 King Street W, Kitchener, ON N2G 4G7

People interested in participating in this meeting can register online using the delegation registration form at or via email at [email protected]. Please refer to the delegation section on the agenda below for registration in-person and electronic participation deadlines. Written comments received will be circulated prior to the meeting and will form part of the public record.

The meeting live-stream and archived videos are available at

*Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. If you require assistance to take part in a city meeting or event, please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994.*

The meeting will begin with a Land Acknowledgement given by the Mayor and the singing of “O Canada.”

Minutes to be accepted as circulated to the Mayor and Councillors (regular meeting held April 29, 2024, and special meetings held April 29, 2024) - Councillor B. Ioannidis.

Members of Council and members of the City’s local boards/committees are required to file a written statement when they have a conflict of interest. If a conflict is declared, please visit to submit your written form.

Pursuant to Council’s Procedural By-law, delegations are permitted to address the Committee for a maximum of five (5) minutes. All Delegations where possible are encouraged to register prior to the start of the meeting. For Delegates who are attending in-person, registration is permitted up to the start of the meeting. Delegates who are interested in attending virtually must register by 5:00 p.m. on May 27, 2024, in order to participate electronically.

That pursuant to Sections 30(2), 33, and 34 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Heritage Permit Application HPA-2024-IV-08 for the property municipally addressed as 10 Duke Street West be approved to permit the partial demolition of the building, excluding the front (south) façade, east side façade, and part of the west side façade; and, the construction of a 45-storey mixed-use building with retained portions of the original building integrated into the podium, subject to the following conditions, as outlined in the Development Service Department report DSD-2024-160:

    1. That the final Heritage Impact Assessment be submitted and approved by the Director of Development and Housing Approvals prior to the issuance of the heritage permit;
    2. That the final Conservation Plan, including a Salvage and Documentation Plan and Commemoration and Interpretation Plan, be submitted and approved by the Director of Development and Housing Approvals and the City’s Heritage Planner prior to the issuance of the heritage permit;
    3. That the final Temporary Protection Plan, including a Demolition and Stabilization Plan and Structural Assessment Report, be submitted to the satisfaction of the City’s Manager of Development Review and the City’s Heritage Planner prior to the issuance of a Heritage Permit;
    4. That the final Risk Management Plan, including the Vibration Monitoring Report, be submitted to the satisfaction of the City’s Manager of Development Review and the City’s Heritage Planner prior to the issuance of a Heritage Permit;
    5. That final building elevations be submitted for review to the satisfaction of the City’s Manager of Development Review in conjunction with Heritage Planning Staff and Urban Design Staff prior to the issuance of the heritage permit;
    6. That the final demolition permit be reviewed, and heritage clearance provided by Heritage Planning Staff prior to the issuance of a demolition permit; and,
    7. That the final building permit be reviewed, and heritage clearance provided by Heritage Planning Staff prior to the issuance of a building permit.

That pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Clerk be directed to publish a Notice of Intention to Designate the property municipally addressed as 131 Victoria Street South as being of cultural heritage value or interest, as outlined in Development Service Department report DSD-2024-195.

That pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Clerk be directed to publish a Notice of Intention to Designate the property municipally addressed as 79-87 Scott Street/66-82 Weber Street East as being of cultural heritage value or interest, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2024-210.

That the Asset Management Plans for the City’s non-core assets as outlined in the Financial Services Department report FIN-2024-208 be approved; and further,

That Policy GOV-COR-506 Corporate Asset Management as attached to Report FIN-2024-208 be approved.

That Policy FIN-RES-770 Reserve Funds be amended as identified in the Financial Service Department report FIN-2024-222; and,

That funds in the amount of $400,863 be transferred from the Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund to the Investment Stabilization Reserve Fund; and further,

That funds in the amount of $4,488,866 be transferred from the Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund to the Tax Capital Reserve Fund.

That the proposed by-law to repeal and replace specific sections of the existing Property Standards By-law, Chapter 665 as noted in Appendix A, be adopted; as outlined in Community Service Department report CSD-2024-083; and further,

That the updated regulations of the City of Kitchener Property Standards By-law, Chapter 665 be incorporated into The City of Kitchener Municipal Code.

That this report, which serves as a progress update on the Vision Zero action items completed in 2023, be received; as outlined in the Development Service Department report, DSD-2024-073; and,

That staff be directed to implement the proposed 2024 safety improvements as outlined in Attachment A (Vision Zero 2024 Safety Improvements) of report, DSD-2024-020 to support implementation of the Vision Zero Strategy; and,

That a Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) Level 2, Type B be installed on Belmont Avenue at the Henry Sturm Greenway; and,

That a Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) Level 2, Type C be installed on Kingsway Drive at Greenfield Avenue, across the north leg of the intersection; and,

That a Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) Level 2, Type C be installed on Park Street at Mount Hope Street, across the west leg of the intersection; and,

That a Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) Level 2, Type D be installed on Lawrence Avenue at the Henry Sturm Greenway; and,

That stopping be prohibited at any time, 15 metres from each Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) at each approach, and ten (10) metres immediately following each Pedestrian Crossover (PXO); and,

That the Uniform Traffic Bylaw be amended accordingly; and, 

That staff be directed to investigate the feasibility and impact of reallocating the remaining balance of the annual Formal Traffic Calming budget to the Vision Zero Hot Spot improvement program, recognizing that the Vision Zero Hot Spot Improvement Program has proven to be a data-driven and proactive approach to the implementation traffic calming and street safety measures; and further, 

That staff report back to Council on the results of this investigation through the 2025 Vision Zero Annual Update.

That the Environmental Study Report: Integrated Sanitary Master Plan Schedule ‘B’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment prepared by Stantec Consulting Ltd. dated May 2, 2024, together with the recommended approaches, be approved; as outlined in the Infrastructure Service Department report INS-2024-223; and further,

That staff be directed to file the report for the 30-day public review period as required by the Environmental Assessment Act.

That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA24/006/W/ES for the property municipally addressed as 115-131 Whitney Place for Hilts Auto Inc. requesting to amend Zoning By-law 85-1, for the purpose of changing the zoning of a portion of the subject property from Existing Use Zone (E-1) to Existing Use Zone (E-1) with special use provision 488U, proposed as attached to Development Services Department report DSD-2024-203, specified and illustrated as the “Subject Area’ on Map No. 1, be amended to permit all uses permitted in the M-2 General Industrial zone, as outlined in section 20.1 of Zoning By-law 85-1, as outlined in Report DSD-2024-203 as Attachment ‘A1’; and, 

That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA24/006/W/ES for the property municipally addressed as 115-131 Whitney Place for Hilts Auto Inc., for the purpose of changing the zoning of a portion of the subject property from Existing Use Floodplain Zone (EUF-1) to Existing Use Floodplain Zone (EUF-1) with Site Specific Provision 394, proposed as attached to Development Services Department report DSD-2024-203, specified and illustrated as the ‘Subject Area’ on Map No. 2, be amended to permit all uses permitted in the EMP-2 General Industrial Employment zone, as outlined in Table 10-1 of Zoning By-law 2019-051 be approved, as amended, in the form shown in the “Proposed By-law” attached to the Report DSD-2024-203 as Attachment ‘A2’; and, 

That the Proposed By-law to amend Zoning By-law 2019-051, as amended, shall have no force and effect against the subject lands until the date that By-law 2024-064 (Growing Together Secondary Plans, Non-PMTSAs) is in full force and effect; and further, 

That pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as amended, further notice is not required to be given in respect to Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA24/006/W/ES.

That the proposed technical amendments to the Grand River Source Protection Plan that apply within the City of Kitchener, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2024-205, be supported.

That the proposed by-law attached as Attachment 'A' to Development Services Department report DSD-2024-116, to repeal and replace specific sections of the existing Sign By-law number 2011-099, be adopted; and further,

That the updated regulations of the Sign By-law be incorporated into The City of Kitchener Municipal Code.
