Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers - Hybrid
City of Kitchener
200 King Street W, Kitchener, ON N2G 4G7

People interested in participating in this meeting can register online using the delegation registration form at or via email at [email protected]. Please refer to the delegation section on the agenda below for registration in-person and electronic participation deadlines. Written comments received will be circulated prior to the meeting and will form part of the public record.


The meeting live-stream and archived videos are available at


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The meeting will begin with a Land Acknowledgement given by the Mayor and the singing of “O Canada.”

Minutes to be accepted as circulated to the Mayor and Councillors (regular meeting held August 26, 2024, and special meetings held August 26 and September 16, 2024) - Councillor P. Singh

Members of Council and members of the City’s local boards/committees are required to file a written statement when they have a conflict of interest. If a conflict is declared, please visit to submit your written form.

Pursuant to Council’s Procedural By-law, delegations are permitted to address the Committee for a maximum of five (5) minutes. All Delegations where possible are encouraged to register prior to the start of the meeting. For Delegates who are attending in-person, registration is permitted up to the start of the meeting. Delegates who are interested in attending virtually must register by 5:00 p.m. on September 30, 2024, in order to participate electronically.

That representatives’ or their designates from the Waterloo Region Community Foundation, Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre, the United Way Waterloo Region Communities, Capacity Canada, and the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce as outlined in Corporate Services Department report COR-2024-394, be re-appointed to the Nominating Committee for a two-year term from November 2024 to November 14, 2026; and,

That the Appointment to Boards and Committees Policy, GOV-BOA-063 and Nominating Committee Terms of Reference Policy, GOV-BOA-010 attached as Appendix “A” to Corporate Services Department report COR-2024-394 be amended.

That the School Bus Loading Zone be extended on the east side (odd-numbered) of Indian Road from a point 77 m north of McGee Avenue to a point approximately 147 m North thereof; and,

That a School Bus Loading Zone be installed on the north side (even-numbered) of Block Line Road from a point 93m east of Hanover Street to a point approximately 87m east thereof; and,

That the School Bus Loading Zone be extended on the west side (even-numbered) of Autumn Hill Crescent from a point 104m north of Westheights Drive to a point approximately 38m north thereof; and,

That a School Bus Loading Zone be installed on the east side (even-numbered) of Vanier Drive from a point 49m south of Boniface Avenue to a point approximately 31m south thereof; and,

That the School Bus Loading Zone previously established on Emerald Avenue be removed; and,

That the School Bus Loading Zone be extended on the east side (odd-numbered) of Hickson Drive from a point 10m south of Secord Avenue to a point approximately 49m south thereof; and,

That two Adult Crossing Guards be installed along Huron Road at Beckview Drive; and,

That an Adult Crossing Guard be installed along Thomas Slee Drive at South Creek Drive; and,

That an Adult Crossing Guard be removed along Holborn Drive at Old Chicopee Drive; and,

That an Adult Crossing Guard be removed along Franklin Street at Connaught Street; and,

That the Adult Crossing Guard be removed along Pioneer Drive at Pioneer Park Public School stairway location; and further,

That the Uniform Traffic By-law be amended accordingly as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2024-397.

That the following motion be deferred to the September 30, 2024 Council meeting, to allow Van Mar Construction and Staff an opportunity to provide further information related to engaging the community on the proposed noise exemption:

That the noise exemption requested by VanMar Constructors for construction work at 641 King St W to commence at 6am from October 1, 2024 to April 30th, 2025 be denied, as outlined in Community Services Department report CSD-2024-408.

Note: An addendum report, Corporate Services Department report CSD-2024-449 has been included on the agenda this date, related to this matter.

That the supply component of the natural gas rate be increased to 13.13 cents per cubic meter from 11.63 cents per cubic meter for system gas customers of Kitchener Utilities effective November 1, 2024; and,

That the proposed Supply Rate Policy as detailed in Attachment 'A' of Infrastructure Services Department report INS-2024-383 to change supply rates quarterly starting from January 1, 2025, through council delegated authority be approved; and further,

That Kitchener Utilities’ natural gas variable and fixed delivery rates be approved as proposed in Attachment 'B' of Infrastructure Services Department report INS-2024-383, for all Kitchener delivery customers effective January 1, 2025.

That pursuant to Section 209 of the Municipal Act, 2001, notice of the proposed by-law to alter the boundaries of the Belmont Business Improvement Area (BIA) be sent to every person who is assessed for rateable property that is in a prescribed business property class which is located within the existing and newly proposed boundaries, as outlined in Attachment ‘A’ of Development Services Department report DSD-2024-372.

That the following recommendation be referred to the September 30, 2024 Council meeting to allow the applicant an opportunity to engage in further conversations with staff regarding the planning comments received:

That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA24/017/M/CD for 1658194 Ontario Ltd., for the property municipally addressed as 328-330 Mill Street be refused, as outlined in Development Services Department report, DSD-2024-371.

That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA/24/008/K/ES for Charcoal Property Limited, for the property municipally addressed as 2980 King Street East, requesting to add Specific Policy Area 76 to Map 5 – Specific Policy Areas in the Official Plan and to add Policy 12.D.12.76 to the Official Plan to facilitate a mixed use development having 436 residential units and 692 square metres of commercial space with a building height of 27 storeys and Floor Space Ratio (FSR) of 11, be adopted, in the form shown in the Official Plan Amendment attached to Report DSD-2024-375 as Attachment ‘A’, and accordingly forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for approval; and further,

That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA24/014/K/ES for Charcoal Properties Limited be approved in the form shown in the ‘Proposed By-law’, and ‘Map No. 1’, as attached to Development Services Department report, DSD-2024-375 as Attachment ‘B’.

That staff be directed to proceed with the proposed Wayfinding strategy as outlined in Development Services Department report, DSD-2024-378, following further community engagement.

Councillor A. Owodunni has given notice to introduce the following motion for consideration this date:

"WHEREAS the use of fireworks has raised significant safety, environmental, and noise concerns among residents in our city and neighboring municipalities; and;

WHEREAS various cities across Canada, including Vancouver, West Vancouver, Brampton, Woodstock, and Milton, have implemented bans or strict regulations on fireworks; and;

WHEREAS addressing the fireworks issue through a collaborative regional approach could enhance the effectiveness and consistency of policies across municipalities;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOVLED that Staff be directed to contact colleagues in cities that have banned or strictly regulated fireworks, such as Vancouver, West Vancouver, Brampton, Woodstock, and Milton with the goal to gather feedback on:

      • The effectiveness of their fireworks bans or regulations.
      • Recommendations on best practices and strategies that are working well.
      • Challenges faced and lessons learned from their experiences;

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOVED that Staff be further directed to connect with municipalities within the Region of Waterloo to discuss the fireworks issue, sharing insights, and exploring how to work together to develop a unified regional approach;

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOVED that based on the consultations and regional discussions, Staff then report back to Council with their findings and recommendations by February 2025 and address:

      • How the City of Kitchener can make fireworks regulations more stringent;
      • Potential policies or actions that can be implemented to address the fireworks issue effectively; and,
      • Strategies for a coordinated regional effort to manage and enforce fireworks regulations."

Councillor D. Chapman has given notice to introduce the following motion for consideration this date:

"WHEREAS one person dies every 2.5 hours from the toxic drug supply in Ontario; and,

WHEREAS Safe Consumption Sites, also known as Consumption and Treatment Sites, have been instrumental in preventing thousands of drug overdose deaths; and,

WHEREAS crime statistics from the Waterloo Regional Police Services indicate that the Kitchener Consumption and Treatment Site has not been linked to an increase in crime in its vicinity; and,

WHEREAS closing Consumption and Treatment Sites will lead to increased drug use in public spaces; and,

WHEREAS the closure of these sites would place additional strain on emergency services and the healthcare system; and,

WHEREAS Consumption and Treatment Sites offer access to other health and medical services, aligning with the objectives of the HART hub planned by the Ontario Government; and,

WHEREAS healthcare should emphasize prevention as well as treatment;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Kitchener Council urges the Ontario government to continue funding all currently operating Consumption and Treatment Sites beyond the proposed termination date in March 2025;

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City encourage the Ontario government to maintain funding for the proposed HART hubs;

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Finance, the Health Minister and to municipalities that currently have an operating Consumption and Treatment Site/Safe Consumption Site."