The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2023-236, dated May 8, 2023, recommending adoption of Official Plan Amendment Application OPA23/003/V/CD and Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA23/007/MV/CD, for the properties municipally addressed as 97-101 Park Street and 186-194 Victoria Street South. The Committee was also in receipt of written submissions from S. Atos, A. Jardin, M. Nickels and P. Eglin.
C. Dumart provided an overview of the staff report. G. Stevenson was also in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee.
D. Galbraith, IBI Group provided a brief presentation regarding the proposed development, and was in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. D. Galbraith noted various measures have been implemented to increase sustainability throughout the development process, including but not limited to reducing parking, encouraging active transportation, and providing a large outdoor landscape for residents.
In response to further questions, D. Galbraith stated discussion with tenants continue to occur, and alternative living arrangements at another location owned by the applicant have been offered to existing residents. Regarding questions raised about affordability, D. Galbraith noted the current proposal aims to offer attainable housing suitable for a broad range of potential applicants. D. Galbraith stated there is not currently a proposal for contribution to affordable housing at this time.
M. Gerrits addressed the Committee in support of the proposed development.
S. Atos addressed the Committee in opposition to the staff recommendation due to potential traffic concerns and a lack of park space to support the increase in density.
M. Nickels, Victoria Park Neighborhood Association, addressed the Committee in opposition to the subject application, and requested further consideration be given to increasing the number of affordable units to a minimum of 5% of the total units proposed, increasing the sidewalk setbacks to allow for additional green space and trees, and implementing additional sustainable measures such as Electrical Vehicle (EV) Charging stations and bike storage.
P. Eglin addressed the Committee in opposition to the staff recommendation due to concerns with traffic, the height of the development in proximity to surrounding houses and corresponding shadow impacts on the surrounding area.
A. Lobe addressed the Committee, noting the importance of the Committee representing the community and consulting the subject matter experts.
Questions were raised by the Committee regarding parkland dedication. Staff noted the parkland dedication will be a combination of credit for publicly accessible private amenity space and cash in lieu of land. C. Dumart stated City Park Staff have identified they will review more details regarding onsite amenity space through the updated Urban Design Report. Staff also noted in response to further questions that the park central plan identified this corridor for high intensity mixed-use development, and stated building height increases in transition to the downtown core.
The Committee raised concerns with the accessibility of Privately owned Park Space (POPS). Staff confirmed the proposed development will be a privately owned park space and will be publicly accessible.
The Committee also noted concerns with the potential for increased traffic in the area as a result of the proposed development. Staff noted a traffic impact study was conducted and no major concerns were identified. Staff also indicated a holding provision was requested for an updated traffic impact study to include a sensitivity analysis to assess transit access, and whether Victoria Street would require a building access point.
Councillor A. Owodunni left the meeting at this time.
The Committee raised concerns with the lack of greenspace in the area, in comparison to the population density. Staff stated the proposed development includes a building set-back of 6.5 metres after the widening of the subject road to assist in providing more greenspace.
A. Owodunni returned to the meeting at this time.
In response to questions from the Committee regarding the 90-day appeal period, G. Stevenson confirmed this application was deemed complete on March 27, 2023, and noted Council's decision will be required prior to July 25, 2023.