Councillor C. Michaud left and returned to the meeting at this time.
Councillor M. Johnston left and returned to the meeting at this time.
Councillor S. Stretch and Councillor J. Deneault brought forward a motion to approve the recommendation as outlined in Development Service Department report DSD-2024-128, entitled Supplemental Report to DSD-2024-005: Growing Together - Protected Major Transit Station Area Land Use and Zoning Framework.
Councillor S. Davey brought forward an amendment, which was seconded by Councillor B. Ioannidis "That the SGA3 storey limit be increased from 25 to 28 storeys", and "That OPA OPA23/016/K/JZ be amended by amending proposed Official Plan policy 15.D.271 be amended to state that no building will exceed 28 storeys in height. The implementing zoning may permit maximum building heights of less than 28 storeys"; and further, "That the increased tower setback/separation requirements for towers 37 storeys and taller, be removed.
It was requested to vote on the change in building height and tower separation be voted on separately.
Councillor S. Davey's amendment related to increasing the building height from 25 to 28 storeys, save and except for the properties municipally addressed as 84 Frederick Street and 79 and 87 Weber Street East, was then voted on and was Carried on a recorded vote, with Councillors B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, J. Deneault, S. Davey, D. Schnider and A. Owodunni voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors S. Stretch, C. Michaud and D. Chapman voting in opposition.
Councillor S. Davey's amendment related to increasing the building height from 25 to 28 storeys, for the properties municipally addressed as 84 Frederick Street and 79 and 87 Weber Street East, was then voted on and was Carried on a recorded vote, with Councillors B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, J. Deneault, S. Davey, D. Schnider and A. Owodunni voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors S. Stretch and D. Chapman voting in opposition. Due to her previously declared conflict, Councillor C. Michaud did not vote.
Councilor S. Davey's amendment related to increasing the tower setback/separation requirements for towers 37 storeys and taller, be removed" which was then voted on and LOST on a tied recorded vote, with Councillors B. Ioannidis, S. Davey, S. Stretch, D. Schnider voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors C. Michaud, M. Johnston, J. Deneault and D. Chapman voting in opposition.
Councillor B. Ioannidis brought forward an amendment which was seconded by Councillor J. Deneault "That the proposed zoning for 15 Linden Avenue and 35 Linden Avenue be amended from SGA1 to SGA3" and "That the Official Plan Amendment be revised to designate the properties as SGA-B rather than the proposed SGA-A land use designation as recommended by staff".
Councillor B. Ioannidis's amendment was then voted on and was Carried on a recorded vote, with Councillors C. Michaud, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, J. Deneault, S. Davey, D. Schnider and A. Owodunni voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors D. Chapman and S. Stretch voting in opposition.
Councillor D. Chapman brought forward the following amendments, which were seconded by Councillor C. Michaud:
1. Insert into the PMTSA Official Plan, after Section 15.D.2.8 “Zoning permissions do not necessarily reflect heritage preservation requirements”.
2. Replace item a) in 2019-051 Zoning Bylaw Section “Patios, deck, and outdoor recreation associated with a restaurant may project into a required yard provided that: a) They are located a minimum of 30 metres from any residential zone”
“Patios, decks, and outdoor recreation associated with a restaurant may project into a required yard provided that: a) They are located a minimum of 30 metres from any residential zone and a minimum of 20 metres from the lot line of any proximate SGA-1 property”
3. Where SGA-4 is adjacent to an SGA-1 property, change the SGA-4 zoning to SGA-2.
4. Remove SGA-2 and SGA-3 zoning within Heritage Districts and replace them with SGA-1 zoning.
5. Remove up-zoning from all City of Kitchener properties in the PMTSA areas except for Bramm Street.
6. Zone the following properties to reflect the existing built forms found on the properties as they are up for heritage designation:
- 72 Victoria Street S (Peer Group) – Should be SGA-2
- 60 Victoria Street N (Rumpel Felt) – Should be SGA-1
- 825 King Street W (St. Mark’s Place) – Should be SGA-1
- 33 Eby St – Should be SGA-1
- Victoria School - Should be SGA-1
7. Remove non-PMTSA properties and commercial uses in residential areas from Growing Together and include them in the official plan review process.
8. (If #7 fails) Zone the follow properties to reflect the existing built forms found on the properties as they currently provide affordable housing:
- 155 Cherry Street (Asgard Green Cooperative) – Should be Res 5
- 318, 332, 352 Patricia Street – Should be Res 5
- 185-177 Mill Street – Should be Res 5
- 5 Heiman – Should be Res 5
- 317, 343 Mill Street – Should be Res 5
Clause 1 of Councillor D. Chapman's amendments was then voted on and was LOST on a recorded vote, with Councillors D. Chapman and A. Owodunni voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors S. Davey, C. Michaud, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, J Deneault, S. Stretch, D. Schnider.
Clause 2 of Councillor D. Chapman's amendments was then voted on and was LOST on a recorded vote, with Councillor D. Chapman voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors S. Davey, C. Michaud, S. Davey, M. Johnston, B. Ioannidis, J. Deneault, S. Stretch, D. Schnider and A. Owodunni voting in opposition.
Clause 3 of Councillor D. Chapman's amendment was then voted on and was LOST on a recorded vote, with Councillors D. Chapman and C. Michaud voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors S. Davey, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, J. Deneault, S. Stretch, D. Schnider and A. Owodunni voting in opposition.
Clause 4 of Councillor D. Chapman's amendment was then then voted on and was LOST on a recorded vote, with Councillors D. Chapman and C. Michaud voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors S. Davey, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, J. Deneault, S. Stretch, D. Schnider and A. Owodunni voting in opposition.
Clause 5 of Councillor D. Chapman's amendment was then then voted on and was LOST on a recorded vote, with Councillor D. Chapman voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors S. Davey, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, J. Deneault, S. Stretch, D. Schnider, C. Michaud and A. Owodunni voting in opposition.
Clause 6 of Councillor D. Chapman's amendment was then then voted on and was LOST on a recorded vote, with Councillors D. Chapman and C. Michaud voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors S. Davey, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, J. Deneault, S. Stretch, D. Schnider and A. Owodunni voting in opposition.
Clause 7 of Councillor D. Chapman's amendment was then then voted on and was LOST on a recorded vote, with Councillors D. Chapman and A. Owodunni voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors S. Davey, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, J. Deneault, S. Stretch, D. Schnider and C. Michaud voting in opposition.
Clause 8 of Councillor D. Chapman's amendment was then then voted on and was LOST on a recorded vote, with Councillors D. Chapman, J. Deneault and A. Owodunni voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors S. Davey, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, S. Stretch, D. Schnider and C. Michaud voting in opposition.
An amendment was then moved by Councillor D. Schnider seconded by Councillor M. Johnston, "That lands addressed as 178, 188, 196 and 202 Queen Street South and 15 Joseph Street be zoned as SGA-4".
Councillor D. Schnider's amendment was then voted on and was Carried on a recorded vote, with Councillors C. Michaud, B. Ioannidis, M. Johnston, S. Davey, D. Schnider and A. Owodunni voting in favour; and, Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors J. Deneault and S. Stretch and D. Chapman voting in opposition.
Councillor B. Ioannidis brought forward an amendment, which was seconded by Councillor J. Deneault "That staff be directed to bring back a housekeeping review and update on Growing Together with the completion of the Official Plan".
Councillor B. Ioannidis's amendment was then voted on and was Carried unanimously on a recorded vote.
The following motion was then voted on, specifically related to the properties municipally addressed as 84 Frederick Street and 79 and 87 Weber Street East, which had a previously declared conflict by Councillor Michaud, which was voted on and was Carried unanimously on a recorded vote.
The following motion was then voted on, save and except for the properties municipally addressed as 84 Frederick Street and 79 and 87 Weber Street East, which had a previously declared conflict by Councillor Michaud, which was voted on and was Carried unanimously on a recorded vote.