Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers - Hybrid
City of Kitchener
200 King Street W, Kitchener, ON N2G 4G7

People interested in participating in this meeting can register online using the delegation registration form at or via email at [email protected]. Please refer to the delegation section on the agenda below for registration in-person and electronic participation deadlines. Written comments received will be circulated prior to the meeting and will form part of the public record.

The meeting live-stream and archived videos are available at

*Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. If you require assistance to take part in a city meeting or event, please call 519-741-2345 or TTY 1-866-969-9994.*

The meeting will begin with a Land Acknowledgement given by the Mayor and the singing of “O Canada.”

Minutes to be accepted as circulated to the Mayor and Councillors (regular meeting held March 18, 2024, and special meetings held March 18 and March 25, 2024) - Councillor D. Chapman.

Members of Council and members of the City’s local boards/committees are required to file a written statement when they have a conflict of interest. If a conflict is declared, please visit to submit your written form.

Pursuant to Council’s Procedural By-law, delegations are permitted to address the Committee for a maximum of five (5) minutes. All Delegations where possible are encouraged to register prior to the start of the meeting. For Delegates who are attending in-person, registration is permitted up to the start of the meeting. Delegates who are interested in attending virtually must register by 5:00 p.m. on April 8, 2024, in order to participate electronically.

That pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Clerk be directed to publish a Notice of Intention to Designate the property municipally addressed as 10 Duke Street West as being of cultural heritage value or interest, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2024-133."

That pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Clerk be directed to publish a Notice of Intention to Designate the property municipally addressed as 91 Madison Avenue South as being of cultural heritage value or interest, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2024-138."

That 2024 community grants (Tier 2) in the amount of $209,415 be approved, as outlined in Attachment 'A' to Community Services Department report CSD-2024-108.

That the City of Kitchener Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS): Management Review Summary for 2023 Report be received for information, as outlined in Infrastructure Services Department report INS-2024-050.

That the Uniform Traffic By-law be amended for the prohibition of on-street parking on both sides of Parkvale Drive from Huron Road to a point 65 metres west thereof, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2024-101.

That Council endorse the tenant rate schedule and skills trade protocols developed to fit within the Creative Hub’s post-pilot operations and budget as outlined within Development Services Department report DSD-2024-065; and further,

That the Director of Culture & Entertainment, or delegate, be authorized to execute licence agreements for a term of two years or less with tenants of the Creative Hub, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.

That the 2023 City of Kitchener Summary Drinking Water Report be received for information as required by O.Reg. 170/03 Schedule 22 of the Safe Drinking water Act, as outlined in Infrastructure Services Department report INS-2024-051; and further,

that the City of Kitchener provide a copy of the Summary Drinking Water Report to the Township of Woolwich and the City of Waterloo as required by Schedule 22 of O.Reg. 170/03.

That the list of proposed Neighbourhood Associations, as attached to the Community Services Department report CSD-2024-102, be approved for affiliation for the year 2024 and added to the City’s third-party liability insurance program.

That the Blair Creek Drive Extension Schedule ‘B’ Class Environmental Assessment Project File Report (PFR) prepared by MTE Consultants Inc., dated February 2024, which recommends Alternative 2 as the preferred solution, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2024-104, be received; and further,

That Blair Creek Drive Extension Schedule ‘B’ Class Environmental Assessment Project File Report (PFR) be filed with the Ministry of the Environment for the mandatory thirty (30) days review period as required by the Environmental Assessment (EA) Act.

That the Hidden Valley Flood Risk Reduction Municipal Class Environmental Assessment – Project File Report, prepared by Matrix Solutions Inc., dated March 7, 2024, which recommends Alternative 4 as the preferred solution, be received as outlined in Development Services Department report, DSD-2024-119; and further,

That the Hidden Valley Flood Risk Reduction Municipal Class Environmental Assessment – Project File Report, be filed with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) for the mandatory thirty (30) day review period as required by the Environmental Assessment (EA) Act.

That Council approve the Environmental Study Report: Schneider and Shoemaker Creeks Naturalization Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment prepared by Stantec Consulting Ltd. and dated March 8, 2024 together with the recommended approaches, as outlined in Infrastructure Services Department report INS-2024-129; and,

That staff be directed to file the report for the 30-day public review period as required by the Environmental Assessment Act; and further,

That upon formal completion of the Environmental Assessment, staff be directed to proceed with the detailed design and implementation of Stage 1 of the recommendations.

That, in order to better meet the current, future and diverse recreation needs of the community, the design of the Kitchener Indoor Recreation Complex (KIRC) be improved by making changes and adding amenities outlined in Infrastructure Services Department report, INS-2024-126, including but not limited to:

    • A larger FIFA-sized indoor turf facility
    • A larger leisure/program pool
    • An elevated walking track
    • A second floor which includes viewing galleries for both pools
    • An indoor cricket batting cage
    • Increased landscaping surrounding the facility; and,

That, the Kitchener Indoor Recreation Complex be built and operated as the City’s first net-zero carbon facility, and as one of the most sustainable recreation facilities in Canada by, amongst other things:

    • Targeting a very high level of energy efficiency and building performance through the use of geothermal heating and cooling
    • Adding solar panels to the roof of the facility
    • Pursuing certification under the Canda Green Building Council Zero Carbon Building Standard v3 – Design without the use of carbon offsets or renewable energy certificates; and,

That the total budget for the Kitchener Indoor Recreation Complex be approved at $143,820,000 (including non-refundable HST), and that additional debenture financing in the amount of $47,915,000 be authorized for a term not to exceed 25 years (to be repaid from future development charge revenue); and further,

That staff be directed to execute the supplementary agreement with the IPD team signatories for the construction phase of the project.

That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a limiting distance agreement with the registered owner(s) of Block 132, Registered Plan 58M-642, known as 630 Benninger Dr, pursuant to Section of the Building Code: said agreement is to permit 5 blocks of stacked townhouses with a limiting distance for the exposed building face being measured to a point beyond the property line on to the adjacent property, Block 134 Registered Plan 58M-642, known as 16 Nathalie St (City of Kitchener stormwater management pond), to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2024-112.

That the Kitchener Growth Management Strategy Annual Monitoring Report, as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2024-130 be used as the basis to fulfill Clause 22.1 of the Administrative Agreement between the City of Kitchener and the Regional Municipality of Waterloo regarding delegated approval authority.

Council is requested to consider the following matter arising from the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee meeting earlier this date. 

"That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA/24/001/V/CD for Vicner Inc. be adopted, in the form shown in the Official Plan Amendment attached to Report DSD-2024-132 as Attachment ‘A’, and accordingly forwarded to the Region of Waterloo for approval; and

That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA24/001/V/CD for Vicner Inc. be approved in the form shown in the ‘Proposed By-law’, and ‘Map No. 1’, attached to Report DSD-2024-132 as Attachment ‘B’; and

That the Urban Design Report, dated December 2023, and attached to Report DSD-2024-132 as Attachment ‘F’, be adopted, and that staff be directed to apply the Urban Design Report through the Site Plan Approval process." 

Councillor D. Chapman has given notice to introduce the following motion for consideration this date:

"WHEREAS prior to December 31, 2023 paid parking was required in the Bramm Street surface parking lot from Monday to Saturday between 8 am and 5 pm; and,
WHEREAS on January 1, 2024 hours were changed at the Bramm Street surface parking lot to require payment for parking from Monday to Sunday between 8 am and midnight the same as mid-town Kitchener surface parking lots; and,
WHEREAS surface parking lots within the Downtown Kitchener BIA boundary have received, and continue to receive, a taxpayer subsidy, due to LRT construction and COVID-19 impacts, to provide free parking between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays and all day Saturday;
WHEREAS city-owned surface parking lots will be redeveloped over time to support housing and economic development objectives; and,
WHEREAS delegates requested that Council change the hours which require payment at the Bramm Street surface parking lot, indicating that reverting to the previous hours would be an acceptable solution; and,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Bramm Street surface parking lot fee structure revert to the model that was in place prior to January 2024 on a temporary basis, pending further review in 2024;
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the 5-6 p.m. weekday evening and Saturday daytime free parking economic development property tax subsidy within the Kitchener Downtown Business Improvement Area boundary be reviewed/reconsidered in 2024; and,
THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a parking rate structure be considered as part of the 2025 budget which balances: 1) fair market value for parking; 2) the financial viability of the parking enterprise, and 3) efficient use of taxpayer funds to support downtown economic development goals."