Finance and Corporate Services

Committee Minutes

Council Chambers - Hybrid
City of Kitchener
200 King Street W, Kitchener, ON N2G 4G7
  • Mayor B. Vrbanovic
  • Councillor S. Davey
  • Councillor D. Schnider
  • Councillor J. Deneault
  • Councillor C. Michaud
  • Councillor A. Owodunni
  • Councillor P. Singh
  • Councillor B. Ioannidis
  • Councillor M. Johnston
  • Councillor D. Chapman
  • Councillor A. Clancy
  • D. Chapman, Chief Administrative Officer
  • J. Readman, General Manager, Development Services
  • J. Lautenbach, Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services
  • D. McGoldrick, General Manager, Infrastructure Services
  • A. Fusco, Director Legislated Services / City Clerk
  • G. MacNeil, Director, By-law Enforcement
  • G. St. Louis, Director, Gas & Water Utilities
  • G. Stevenson, Interim Director of Planning
  • D. Saunderson, Deputy Clerk
  • M. Blake, Committee Administrator

The Finance and Corporate Services Committee held a meeting this date commencing at 3:00 p.m.

Pursuant to Chapter 25 (Procedure) of the Municipal Code, a motion was brought forward by Councillor D. Chapman to discuss Consent item 3.1 listed on the agenda, which was voted on and was Carried.

The Committee considered Corporate Services Department report COR-2023-320, dated July 15, 2023 recommending approval of the Terms of Reference for the Committee of Adjustment, outlined in Appendix 'A', and the Terms of Reference for the Property Standards Appeal Committee, outlined in Appendix 'B', as attached to COR-2023-320. D. Saunderson and G. Stevenson were in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. 

  • On motion byCouncillor B. Ioannidis

    it was resolved:

    "That the Terms of Reference for the Committee of Adjustment attached as Appendix ‘A’ to Corporate Services Department report COR-2023-320 be approved; and,

    That the Terms of Reference for the Property Standards Appeal Committee attached as Appendix ‘B’ to Corporate Services Department report COR-2023-320 be approved; and further,

    That the Clerk be directed to include the approved Terms of References into the City’s Policy manual and number them sequentially as per the existing number sequence."


The Committee considered Corporate Services Department report COR-2023-332, dated July 25, 2023 regarding appointments to the Belmont Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management, and the Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management with an amendment to the by-law as outlined in the Report.

  • On motion byCouncillor B. Ioannidis

    it was resolved:

    "That Council confirm the following appointments to the Belmont Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management for a term to expire on November 14, 2026 or upon appointment of their successors, as outlined in Corporate Services Department report COR-2023-332;

        • George Broughton
        • Linda Nelson
        • Margaret Tofflemire
        • Valeria Rigler
        • J D Zehr
        • Noelle English


    That Council confirm the following appointments to the Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA) Board of Management for a term to expire on November 14, 2026 or upon appointment of their successors;

        • Darryl Moore
        • Phong Tran
        • Cara Watson
        • Jessica Toomer
        • Jordan Dolson
        • Julie Phillips
        • Laird Robertson
        • Martha Wallace
        • Michael Rederer
        • Sarah Pearson


    That Chapter 70 of the Municipal Code be amended to reflect the request of the Downtown Business Improvement Area Board of Management to clarify the number of Directors to be elected, in accordance with the by-law in Appendix B."


The Committee considered Community Services Department report CSD-2023-296, dated June 27, 2023 recommending approval of a noise exemption to Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church located at 700 Fischer Hallman Road to be held on September 2 and 3, 2023 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 10 p.m.

  • On motion byCouncillor B. Ioannidis

    it was resolved:

    "That an exemption to Chapter 450 (Noise) of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code be granted to the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church at 700 Fischer Hallman Road, for their annual BBQ and Bull Roast to be held on September 2 and 3, 2023, between the hours of 11 a.m. and 10 p.m., as outlined in Community Services Department report CSD-2023-296."


The Committee considered Community Services Department report CSD-2023-297, dated July 17, 2023 recommending approval of a noise exemption for The Falls Road Pub being held at 296 Victoria Street North on September 19, 2023. 

  • On motion byCouncillor B. Ioannidis

    it was resolved:

    "That an exemption to Chapter 450 (Noise) of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code be granted to The Falls Road Pub for their end of season Bike Night, being held at 296 Victoria St North on September 19, 2023, as outlined in Community Services Department report CSD-2023-297."


The Committee considered Community Services Department report CSD-2023-196, dated June 26, 2023 recommending approval of a noise exemption for K-W Oktoberfest Inc. being held at various locations from September 22nd through October 14, 2023.

  • On motion byCouncillor B. Ioannidis

    it was resolved:

    "That an exemption to Chapter 450 (Noise) of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code be granted to K-W Oktoberfest Inc. for a series of events being held at various clubs between September 22 through October 14, 2023, as outlined in the letter from K-W Oktoberfest Inc., dated May 16, 2023 attached to Community Services Department report CSD-2023-169."


The Committee considered Community Services Department report CSD-2023-333, dated July 25, 2023 recommending approval of a noise exemption for the Burning House Music Festival to be held at 425 Bingeman Centre Drive on September 16, 2023 between the hours of 4 p.m. and 11 p.m.

  • On motion byCouncillor B. Ioannidis

    it was resolved:

    "That an exemption to Chapter 450 (Noise) of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code be granted to Sigma Chi Fraternity for Burning House Music Festival event being held at 425 Bingeman Centre Drive on September 16, 2023 from 4 p.m. – 11 p.m., as outlined in Community Services Department report CSD-2023-333, subject to the following conditions, which, if not complied with, will render the noise exemption null and void:

    1. There shall be no offensive language, in the opinion of City staff, generated from the music events, audible in any adjacent residential neighbourhood. The event organizers will ensure that there is an on-site contact person accessible to correspond with City staff at all times during the event(s);
    2. The event organizer will be responsible for the cost of a pay-duty Noise Officer, to be assigned specifically to these event(s);
    3. The event organizers agree to respond accordingly to requests from City staff, during the event(s), in order to address community concerns that may arise with regard to the impact of noise heard within adjacent residential areas; and
    4. The maximum decibel level (dba) audible from a residential area shall not exceed 55 dba.
    5. All events must end no later than 11 p.m."

The Committee considered Chief Administrator's Office report CAO-2023-336, dated July 27, 2023, for the information of the Committee. A. Fritz-Walters provided an overview of the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan Development - Plan WITH us Resident Panel Final Chief Administrative Office report, CAO-2023-336, and introduced the members of the Resident Panel.  

S. Kandala, M. Weir, R. Fisher, K. Thomas, Resident Panel provided a summary of their involvement in the development of the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, sharing the panel process, composition and report recommendations. Members of the panel noted the City of Kitchener's Resident Panel engagement approach allowed the Strategic Plan to be reflective of resident priorities.

T. Glover, Compass Kitchener was in attendance and noted support for the City of Kitchener's establishment of a Resident Panel and efforts to further engage the public in the development of the Strategic Plan. 

In response to questions from the Committee, T. Glover noted the importance of in person attendance at the resident panel meetings as a method of public engagement and forming meaningful connections among participants.

The Committee considered Chief Administrator's Office report CAO-2023-337, dated July 27, 2023 recommending approval of the initial set of Actions for the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan as contained in Appendix 'C' of the Report.

D. Chapman, Chief Administrative Officer, provided a brief presentation regarding the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan Development - Proposed Strategic Plan Content report, highlighting the proposed content for the Strategic Plan, including an initial set of actions and a refined 20-year vision story.

D. Chapman outlined the 5 strategic goal priorities for the community and the strategic focus for the Council term, including: building a connected city, cultivating a green city, creating an economically thriving city, fostering a caring city and stewarding a better city together. 

In response to questions from the Committee, A. Fritz-Walters noted the Strategic Plan launch and public communications are anticipated to begin in Fall 2023. 

J. Wells, Compass Kitchener was in attendance in support of the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan process, noting public engagement, development indicators, and data tracking as significant tools to inform the Resident Panel and the Strategic Plan. 

W. West and M. Bells, Active Transportation and Trails Advisory Committee, was in attendance in support of the 2023-2026 strategic plan, with emphasis on city-wide active transportation routes, improving safety and well-being, decreasing environmental impact and reducing costs for residents and business. 

  • On motion byMayor B. Vrbanovic

    it was resolved:

    "That the initial set of Actions for the City of Kitchener 2023-2026 Strategic Plan as contained in Appendix 'C' to Chief Administrator's Office report CAO 2023-337 be approved."

    Carried, unanimously on a recorded vote
  • Councillor M. Johnston declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor M. Johnston, declared a conflict due with Collaboration Space in the UW Innovation Arena, DSD-2023-328 listed on the agenda this date, due to her place of employment and did not participate in any discussion or voting regarding this matter. ;)

The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2023-328, dated July 27, 2023 regarding the collaboration space in the UW innovation arena. 

C. Bluhm, Executive Director, Economic Development and B. Bennett, Manager Business Development provided an overview of the report, and were in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. 

At the request of B. Bennett, the Committee agreed to remove reference to the unit number outlined in Clause 1 of the staff recommendation.

  • On motion byCouncillor B. Ioannidis

    it was resolved:

    "That up to $450,000 from the Economic Development Investment Fund 2.0 (EDIF 2.0) be allocated to support the completion of leasehold improvements for the City of Kitchener’s space to be located at 280 Joseph St West, Kitchener Ontario; and,

    That the annual operating costs for Common Area Maintenance fees, estimated at $17,500, be referred to the 2024 budget process; and further,

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute all documentation required to complete the transaction, subject to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, including the execution of a lease agreement, in accordance with Development Services Department report DSD-2023-328."


The Committee considered Infrastructure Services Department report INS-2023-334, dated August 4, 2023 regarding the 2023/2024 natural gas rates.

G. St. Louis, Director, Gas & Water Utilities presented the report and was in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. 

  • On motion byCouncillor J. Deneault

    it was resolved:

    "That the supply component of the natural gas rate be decreased to 16.70 cents per cubic meter from 20.85 cents per cubic meter for system gas customers of Kitchener Utilities effective November 1, 2023; and,

    That Kitchener Utilities’ natural gas variable and fixed delivery rates be approved as proposed in Infrastructure Services Department report INS-2023-334 - Attachment 'A', for all Kitchener delivery customers effective November 1, 2023; and further,

    That the supply rate of natural gas be reviewed quarterly against market conditions and necessary changes to be brought forward for Council approval."


On motion, this meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.


Mariah Blake
Committee Administrator

No Item Selected