That the following recommendation be referred to the February 10, Council Meeting to allow staff the opportunity to have further conversations with the applicant, regional staff and the Ward Councillor regarding the building height, transportation impacts, site access, community amenities, and parking concerns:
"That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA/24/012/K/ES for Imperial Oil Limited c/o LJM Developments, for the property municipally addressed as 4611 King Street East, requesting to add Policy 15.D.12.80 to Section 15.D.12 and to add Specific Policy Area 80 to Map 5 – Specific Policy Areas in the Official Plan to facilitate a mixed use development having 726 residential dwelling units and 1,892 square metres of commercial space within two towers atop a shared podium with building heights of 22 and 33 storeys and a Floor Space Ratio (FSR) of 7.9, be approved, in the form shown in the Official Plan Amendment attached to Development Services Department report, DSD-2025-025 as Attachments ‘A1’ and ‘A2’, and further;
That Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA24/024/K/ES for Imperial Oil Limited c/o LJM Developments be approved in the form shown in the ‘Proposed By-law’, and ‘Map No. 1’, attached to Report DSD-2024-025 as Attachments ‘B1’ and ‘B2’.
Note: An addendum report, Development Services Department report DSD-2025-053 has been included on the agenda this date, related to this matter.