That this report, which serves as a progress update on the Vision Zero action items completed in 2023, be received; as outlined in the Development Service Department report, DSD-2024-073; and,
That staff be directed to implement the proposed 2024 safety improvements as outlined in Attachment A (Vision Zero 2024 Safety Improvements) of report, DSD-2024-020 to support implementation of the Vision Zero Strategy; and,
That a Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) Level 2, Type B be installed on Belmont Avenue at the Henry Sturm Greenway; and,
That a Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) Level 2, Type C be installed on Kingsway Drive at Greenfield Avenue, across the north leg of the intersection; and,
That a Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) Level 2, Type C be installed on Park Street at Mount Hope Street, across the west leg of the intersection; and,
That a Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) Level 2, Type D be installed on Lawrence Avenue at the Henry Sturm Greenway; and,
That stopping be prohibited at any time, 15 metres from each Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) at each approach, and ten (10) metres immediately following each Pedestrian Crossover (PXO); and,
That the Uniform Traffic Bylaw be amended accordingly; and,
That staff be directed to investigate the feasibility and impact of reallocating the remaining balance of the annual Formal Traffic Calming budget to the Vision Zero Hot Spot improvement program, recognizing that the Vision Zero Hot Spot Improvement Program has proven to be a data-driven and proactive approach to the implementation traffic calming and street safety measures; and further,
That staff report back to Council on the results of this investigation through the 2025 Vision Zero Annual Update.