Requesting consent to sever a parcel of land having a width of 1.6m, a depth of 35.6m and an area of 61.8 sq.m. from 13 Chicopee Park Court (Part 3, 58R-20258) to convey as a lot addition to 11B Chicopee Park Court (Part 2, 58R-20258). The retained land, 13 Chicopee Park Court will have a width of 8.0m, a depth of 35.5m and an area of 281sq.m. and is proposed to be developed with a Single Detached Dwelling with 2 Additional Dwelling Units (ADU)(Attached).Consent is also requested to sever a parcel of land having a width of 0.8m on Chicopee Park Court, a depth of 35.8m and an area of 31 sq.m. from 11B Chicopee Park Court (Part 2, 58R-20258) to convey as a lot addition to 11A Chicopee Park Court (Part 1, 58R-20258) to facilitate the development of Semi-Detached Dwelling with 3 Additional Dwelling Units (ADU)(Attached). The retained land, 11B Chicopee Park Court, will have a lot width of 10.5m, a lot depth of 35.6m and an area of 313sq.m. and is also proposed to be developed with a Semi-Detached Dwelling with 3 Additional Dwelling Units (ADU)(Attached). Minor variances are also being requested to permit the retained land, 13 Chicopee Park Court to have a lot width of 8m rather than the required 10.5m; to permit 2 parking spaces rather than the required 3 parking spaces; and, to permit a rear yard setback of 7.2m rather than the required 7.5m to facilitate the construction of a Single Detached Dwelling with 2 Additional Dwelling Units (ADU) (Attached) (Triplex).