Council considered Official Plan Amendment Application OPA24/001/V/CD and Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA24/001/V/CD, 236-264 Victoria Street North, DSD-2024-132, listed as Item 7.4.a, which was considered at the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee earlier this date and deferred for further consideration to the Council meeting.
A. Sinclair, MHBC Planning, addressed Council in support of the application, noting since the Planning Meeting earlier this date, she has spoken to the applicant noting in regard to affordable housing, they are comfortable committing 32 units for affordable housing this date, which equates to 3% of the total unit count. Further to that, the property owner is willing to meet with Grand River Rocks (GRR), the existing commercial tenant to discuss their existing lease and their future within the space. A. Sinclair further advised she would be willing to be the point person between the property owner and GRR to keep them informed throughout the development process. A. Sinclair did indicate a potential challenge to supporting GRR request for free commercial parking spaces, noting while there is ample parking being proposed, it has been identified as shared parking between the residential uses and the commercial spaces to address the financial impacts of construction, noting to be able to provide the tenant dedicated spaces would be costly. Lastly A. Sinclair indicated she could maintain an open line of communication with the owners of Mei King Restaurant to ensure there is minimal impact to their operation.
A motion was brought forward by Councillor B. Ioannidis to defer consideration of this application to a Special Council meeting, yet to be scheduled, prior to April 19, 2024, which was seconded by Councillor C. Michaud, to allow further opportunity to dialogue with an existing commercial tenant "Grand River Rocks" related to proposed development and its impact on their existing lease agreement.
In response to questions related to the City's ability to enforce the commitments of the applicant as shared this date, G. Stevenson stated A. Sinclair is making an agreement on behalf of the owner, it would be preferred to get the agreement in writing to, but regardless the City would not have a mechanism to enforce their commitments. G. Stevenson further advised with some additional time this evening, if it was Council's wish, staff would be willing to accept an email in lieu of a written letter to assist with Council's consideration, with the caveat that a formal letter would come later in the week.
Councillor S. Davey brought forward an amendment to substitute the deferral date for consideration to prior to the end of the Council meeting, later this date, which was seconded by Councillor P. Singh.
Councillor S. Davey's amendment was then voted on and was LOST.