Council considered Development Services Department report DSD-2022-461, listed as item 7.2.a. under the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee report related to Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA22/009/O/ES for the property municipally addressed as 1257-1265 Ottawa Street South. Council was also in receipt of written submissions from Rock Kam, Carlos Bazzarella and Michael Brisson related to the subject application.
Eric Schneider, Senior Planner and Tina Malone-Wright, Interim Manager Development Review, were in attendance to respond to questions from Council.
Rock Kam, Carolos Bazzarella, Erin Dej, Lesley Crompton, Heather Majaury, Michael Brisson, Meagan Snyder, Odell Betty addressed Council in opposition of the subject application. Concerns were expressed about traffic safety and the omission of a Traffic Impact Study, privacy on the adjacent properties, the need for adequate visual barriers, the proposed parking requirements and whether it’s an adequate site for the size of the development, potential for evictions and loss of affordable housing units.
Melissa Bowman addressed Council in support development and the increase to the City's housing supply. M. Bowman expressed concerns with the impacts on the existing tenants and whether adequate compensation was being provided to displaced tenants, and balancing housing needs and affordability.
Members of Council asked questions regarding provincial planning policy provisions, impact of development applications on current tenants, existing lodging house licenses for the existing properties, parking space requirements, requirements for a traffic study, and received responses from the applicant and staff.
Councillor S. Davey provided notice this date that at the January 30, 2023 Council meeting he would be bring forward a Notice of Motion directing staff to report back on infill applications outlining best practice, provincial planning policies and jurisdiction to provide greater awareness to the public on the limitations placed upon Kitchener Council when considering planning applications.
Councillor P. Singh, brought forward a motion to approve Development Services Department report DSD-2022-461 related to Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA22/009/O/ES for the property municipally addressed as 1257-1265 Ottawa Street South, including an amendment requiring the property owner to construct a 2.4m (8") fence, and that a condition be added to the site plan approval process to add additional parking spaces reduced by 10% for compact cars, and that pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as amended, further notice is not required to be given in respect to Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA22/009/O/ES.
A motion was brought forward by Councillor D. Chapman, seconded by Councillor P. Singh, that the matter be deferred until January 30, 2023, to go back to Applicant and request clarification on what the Applicant can offer the existing tenants, the possibility to relocate them and pay comparable rents and, that the Region of Waterloo be requested to conduct a traffic study.