The Committee considered Finance and Corporate Services report DSD-2024-029, dated January 15, 2024, recommending that Council approve the Honorarium and Reimbursement Policy for Advisory and Quasi-Judicial Committees of Council, as outlined in Attachment 'A' of Report DSD-2024-029, to take effect in January, 2024; and, that Council direct staff to develop a separate Honorarium and Reimbursement Policy and/or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee (GRAAC); and further, that as a part of the upcoming Community Engagement Policy review, staff be directed to consider the issue of honorarium and reimbursement as it relates to public participation and engagement.
A. Aminaei Chatroudi provided an overview of the report and recommendation. S. Stanberry was also in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee. In response to questions from the Committee, A. Aminaei Chatroudi noted honoraria was not proposed for advisory committees as this practice is consistent across Ontario municipalities. Further, A. Aminaei Chatroudi noted reimbursement is proposed for advisory committees to address barriers to civic participation such as travel costs and childcare. In response to further questions from the Committee, S. Stanberry noted, through a separate Standard Operating Procedure for the Grand River Accessibility Advisory Committee (GRAAC), Staff will ensure honoraria amounts are below a threshold that does not jeopardize Committee members eligibility for provincial disability support programs.
The Committee requested staff report back on the cost to implement an Honorarium Policy for Advisory Committees.
In response to questions from the Committee regarding the clause in the staff recommendation stating, "that as a part of the upcoming Community Engagement Policy review, staff be directed to consider the issue of honorarium and reimbursement as it relates to public participation and engagement", D. Chapman noted staff will continue review of the Community Engagement Policy including barriers to civic participation. D. Chapman further noted the clause could be removed from consideration this date as Staff will bring back a report at a future meeting with further recommendations. Based on D. Chapman’s response, the Committee agree to remove the clause for consideration.
D. Saunderson noted, if the Committee is to approve the Honorarium and Reimbursement Policy as outlined in COR-2024-029, an amendment to the Terms of Reference for the Property Standards Committee and Committee of Adjustment will be required reflecting the new honorarium rate.
Mayor B. Vrbanovic brought forward a motion to approve the recommendation, as suggested by staff and including an additional clause stating "that the Terms of Reference for Property Standards and Committee of Adjustment be amended to reflect the honorarium rate outlined in Corporate Services Department Report COR-2024-049.”
Mayor B. Vrbanovic's motion was then voted on and was Carried.