The Committee considered Development Service Department report DSD-2024-281, dated October 7, 2024 recommending the operating model for the Conrad Centre for the Performing Arts be approved; and authorization for rental agreements and rental fees for the Centre be delegated to the Director of Culture & Entertainment or designate; and further, that the Director of Culture & Entertainment be authorized to enter into an agreement with Green Light Arts, for the delivery of mentorship services to organizations renting space in the Centre.
J. Dueck provided a presentation on this matter and responded to questions from the Committee. C. Bluhm was also in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee.
S. Varteniuk, JM Drama Alumni, provided comments in support of the recommendation noting additional metrics such as the number of days the Centre is used in a year and, the involvement of community stakeholders in the hiring of Staff should be considered in future iterations of the operating model.
Councillor P. Singh entered the meeting at this time.
J. Hall, provided comments on behalf of the City's Arts and Culture Advisory Committee in support of the recommendation.
M. White and C. Lowerison, Green Light Arts, provided comments in support of the recommendation and responded to questions from the Committee. In response to questions from the Committee, M. White and C. Lowerison noted support for a report outlining the outcomes of the operating model, being brought back to the Committee for consideration a year after the model has been implemented.
Councillor M. Johnston left the meeting at this time.
It was requested that Staff report back to the Committee a year following the implementation of the proposed operating model.