Council considered Official Plan Amendment Application OPA24/012/K/ES and Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA24/024/K/ES, 4611 King Street East, Imperial Oil Limited c/o LJM Developments, DSD-2025-025, listed as item 7.2.b, In addition it was noted that staff have provided an addendum report DSD-2025-053. In addition, Council was in receipt of a written submission from Pinegrove, entitled "updated report".
Brandon Flewwelling, GSP Group; Liaquat (LJ) Mian, LJM Developments; Andrew Steinsky, Paradigm Transportation Solutions Inc. delegated in support of the recommendation and highlighted the revised development application to reduce units from 726 to 583 units, maintain the same number of 493 parking spaces or 0.75% parking spaces per unit and a reduction in the heights of the buildings adjacent to King Street from 33 storeys to 26 storeys and a reduction of the interior tower to 18 storeys; for a total reduction of 11 storeys across the site. The delegates then responded to questions from Council.
Councillor P. Singh and B. Ioannidis left the meeting at this time.
Councillor B. Ioannidis returned to the meeting at this time.
Councillor P. Singh returned to the meeting at this time.
Councillor A. Owodunni left the meeting at this time.
Councillor S. Davey left and returned to the meeting at this time.
Stephanie Brown addressed Council in opposition of the recommendation noting concerns with the conformity of the proposed application with the surrounding neighbourhood.
Sharon Verley-Entz delegated in opposition of the recommendation highlighting the lack of infrastructure and amenities in the adjacent neighbourhood.
Beth Weckman addressed Council in opposition of the recommendation.
Eric Schneider, Senior Planner, Garett Stevenson, Director, Development and Housing Approvals, and Barry Cronkite, Director, Transportation, then responded to questions from Council regarding amenities available near the proposed development, Pineridge Community Association report and recommendations, ability to defer decision until master space planning is complete, traffic speeds along King Street and parking provisions.
Councillor P. Singh left and returned to the meeting at this time.
Councillor A. Owodunni returned to the meeting at this time.
Councillor S. Stretch left and returned to the meeting at this time.
Councillor D. Schnider left and returned to the meeting at this time.
Councillor P. Singh brought forward a motion to approve the recommendation as outlined in Addendum Report DSD-2025-053, including an amendment to require the applicant to provide 10 affordable housing units within the development, which was then seconded by Councillor D. Chapman.
A motion to defer consideration of the application to the March 3, 2025 Council meeting, was brought forward by Councillor P. Singh, to allow further opportunity to discuss concerns raised by the neighbourhood, including but not limited to building height, transportation impacts, site access, community amenities, and parking concerns, and was seconded by Councillor S. Davey.