Councillor A. Owodunni introduced a Notice of Motion related to Fireworks, which was listed as item 9.2 on the agenda this date, which was seconded by Councillor J. Deneault with a revised report back of April 2025 rather than February 2025.
Mo Markham, Waterloo Region Climate Initiatives, addressed Council in support of the motion and requested Council to consider banning fireworks outright. M. Markham requested that Council look into quieter and more environmentally friendly displays citing drone shows as a potential alternative.
Alex Ciccone, addressed Council in support of banning fireworks noting the adverse the environmental impacts from fireworks and negative and adverse impacts from noise. A. Ciccone referenced the Municipal Act, noting the in their opinion the Municipality would have the authority to prohibit the sale of fireworks.
Ayesha Shailesh Jhaveri and Ankur Jhaveri, addressed support for the Notice of Motion, expressing concerns with the use of firework displays and their adverse impacts to individuals mental and physical health, from those with anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, and physical injury if used incorrectly.
Aleem Kanji, Canadian National Fireworks Association, addressed Council with respect to the previous reports from By-law Enforcement on the matter, noting the risks of banning fireworks creating an underground market, injury reporting and prevention statistics, and creating an enforcement challenge. A. Kanji requested Council consider amending their motion to include the requirement to work with industry members as a means of helping to address education around the safe, respectful way to use fireworks.
Councillor P. Singh left the meeting at this time.
Members of Council asked questions regarding animal safety, impacts on neighbouring residents, triggering of wildland fires, ability to purchase fireworks online or import them from the United States, experiences of West Vancouver with banning fireworks, increases of complaints experienced by municipalities that banned fireworks, publication of guidance materials from the Canadian National Fireworks Association, creation of jobs arising from fireworks vendors, examples of municipalities that have been successful in reducing impacts of fireworks, and received responses from the delegate.
Councillor P. Singh brought forward an amendment, which was seconded by Councillor D. Schnider to include an additional clause directing staff to explore the feasibility and related costs of developing a framework for City-coordinated fireworks events on days when fireworks are permitted, including researching other municipalities that have implemented similar initiatives, with a focus on providing safe, environmentally responsible, and community-oriented celebrations.
Councillor P. Singh's amendment was then voted on and was Carried.
A further amendment was brought forward by Councillor D. Chapman, which was seconded by Councillor A. Owodunni, to include an additional clause directing staff to examine the cost and implications of all city run events moving away from fireworks to light shows whether drone or through other means.
Councillor D. Chapman's amendment was then voted on and was Carried.
The following motion as amendment was then voted on.