Requesting minor variances to permit a canopy to be ground supported, having a projection of 1.5m into the front yard, and being located 0m from the street line whereas the Zoning By-Law requires a canopy not to be ground supported, having a maximum projection of 1.8m, and being located a minimum of 0.6m from the street line; to permit the proposed multiple dwelling to have 53 parking spaces (0.74 parking spaces per dwelling unit, inclusive of visitor parking) rather than the minimum required 72 parking spaces (0.9 parking spaces per dwelling unit and 0.1 visitor parking spaces per dwelling unit); to permit a southerly side yard abutting a residential zone to be setback 5.3m rather than the minimum required 7.5m; to permit a rear yard setback of 3.9m rather than the minimum required 7.5m; to permit 0% non-residential gross floor area rather than the minimum required 20% non-residential gross floor area; to permit a minimum ground floor building height for any building with a street line façade of 4.0m along River Road East, and a street line façade of 3.0m along Holborn Court rather than the minimum required 4.5m; to permit a minimum of 35% of street line façade openings along River Road East, and 10% of street line façade openings along Holborn Court rather than the minimum of 50% street line façade openings to facilitate the development of a 6-storey multiple dwelling having 53 dwelling units and three 3-storey buildings having 6 unit stacked townhouse dwellings for a total of 71 affordable housing units.