The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2024-117, dated March 5, 2024 regarding a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) for the properties municipally addressed as 236-264 Victoria Street North which are non-designated properties of cultural heritage value or interest on the Kitchener Municipal Heritage Register. The subject lands are, however, located within the Warehouse District Cultural Heritage Landscape (CHL) and are adjacent to heritage resources.
J. Vieira presented an overview of the Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA), advising it has been submitted in support of a Planning Application related to a proposed mixed-use development comprised of three towers ranging 18-40 storeys in height. J. Vieira indicated staff in attendance this date are seeking the Committee's feedback on the HIA. G. Stevenson, S. Bassanese and M. Drake were also in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee.
G. Smith was in attendance in support of the staff recommendation. In response to questions from the Committee, G. Smith noted a building is proposed to be demolished to facilitate the mixed-use development. It was noted the subject building was evaluated against Ontario Regulation 9/06 and was determined to meet only one criteria, that is, association with a factory significant to the community. G. Smith noted the factory building has been significantly altered and no longer retains its' heritage integrity thus, commemoration of the subject lands will be pursued.
The Committee raised concerns regarding the impact of shadows on heritage resources surrounding the proposed development. In response, J. Vieira noted shadows will be cast for brief periods of time during the summer months however, shadows will not obscure the view of identified heritage attributes in the subject area, as outlined in the shadow impact study attached to the staff report.