The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2024-011, dated January 26, 2024 recommending adoption of Official Plan Amendment Application OPA23/010/H/BB; adoption of Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA23/006/H/BB; and, approval of Draft Plan of Condominium Application 30CDM-23204 for the properties municipally addressed as 980 and 1018 Hidden Valley Road.
B. Bateman provided an overview of the report and staff recommendation noting the proposed By-law attached to Development Services Department report DSD-2024-011 requires an amendment in condition 13, for the word "eastern" to be replaced with "western". B. Bateman also noted the Pearl Valley Development Corporation, owner of lands adjacent to the subject subdivision has requested an additional condition be included in the by-law stating "That prior to final approval, any agreement for an easement to facilitate sanitary infrastructure adjacent lands to the north be confirmed, to the satisfaction of the City." B. Bateman however noted Staff recommend this matter be dealt with through the site plan process rather than being included as a condition of approval in the by-law as there is an alternative servicing option that could be considered and discussed with the Corporation.
G. Stevenson was also in attendance and in response to questions from the Committee noted, it is premature to commit to a servicing agreement as the development potential of the lands to the North has not fully been determined. Further, there could be a potential for cost sharing for servicing, as the lands to the North could be serviced through a public street.
A. Sinclair, MHBC Planning provided a presentation in support of the Staff recommendation and responded to questions from the Committee. A. Sinclair also noted support for Staff's position not to include the proposed condition relating to a servicing agreement in the by-law.
L. Ingram, MTE Consultants was also in attendance and responded to questions from the Committee.
Councilor D. Schnider left the meeting at this time and re-entered.
Councillor J. Deneault brought forward a motion to approve the recommendation as outlined in DSD-2024-011, including the amendment proposed by Planning staff related to the revision of Condition 13 of the proposed By-law.
It was noted any recommendation arising from this matter would be considered at a Special Council meeting later this date.