Requesting consent to sever a parcel of land having a width of 7.9m, a depth of 40.3m and an area of 318.6 sq.m. The retained land will have a width of 7.9m, a depth of 40.3m and an area of 318.8 sq.m. Consent is also being requested to grant easements having a width of 1.5m at the front and rear of the building where the common wall is not shared for the purposes of access and maintenance. The consent will allow each half of two proposed semi-detached dwellings to be on a separate lot and to be dealt with independently. Minor variances are also being requested for the severed and retained lands to permit interior yard setbacks of 0m where there is not a shared common wall rather than the required 1.2m to facilitate the severance of the existing semi-detached dwelling into 2 separate lots; and, to permit decks greater than 0.6m in height to be located 0m from the interior side lot line (common lot line) rather than the required 1.2m.