it was resolved:
"That the School Bus Loading Zone be extended on the east side (odd-numbered) of Indian Road from a point 77 m north of McGee Avenue to a point approximately 147 m North thereof; and,
That a School Bus Loading Zone be installed on the north side (even-numbered) of Block Line Road from a point 93m east of Hanover Street to a point approximately 87m east thereof; and,
That the School Bus Loading Zone be extended on the west side (even-numbered) of Autumn Hill Crescent from a point 104m north of Westheights Drive to a point approximately 38m north thereof; and,
That a School Bus Loading Zone be installed on the east side (even-numbered) of Vanier Drive from a point 49m south of Boniface Avenue to a point approximately 31m south thereof; and,
That the School Bus Loading Zone previously established on Emerald Avenue be removed; and,
That the School Bus Loading Zone be extended on the east side (odd-numbered) of Hickson Drive from a point 10m south of Secord Avenue to a point approximately 49m south thereof; and,
That two Adult Crossing Guards be installed along Huron Road at Beckview Drive; and,
That an Adult Crossing Guard be installed along Thomas Slee Drive at South Creek Drive; and,
That an Adult Crossing Guard be removed along Holborn Drive at Old Chicopee Drive; and,
That an Adult Crossing Guard be removed along Franklin Street at Connaught Street; and,
That the Adult Crossing Guard be removed along Pioneer Drive at Pioneer Park Public School stairway location; and further,
That the Uniform Traffic By-law be amended accordingly as outlined in Development Services Department report DSD-2024-397."