The Committee considered Development Services Department report, DSD-2025-025, dated January 10, 2025, recommending adoption of Official Plan Amendment Application OPA/24/012/K/ES and Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA24/024/K/ES, for the property municipally addressed as 4611 King Street East. It was noted a written submission was received from V. Martin.
E. Schneider provided an overview of the report. G. Stevenson, Director of Development and Housing Approvals, was also in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee.
Councillor P. Singh left the meeting at this time. Councillor D. Chapman assumed Chair.
B. Flewwelling, GSP Group, was in attendance in support of the staff recommendation, noting while the application initially requested building heights of 25 and 30 stories, following discussions with staff, density has been shifted away from the rear of the site (along King Street East) and the tower heights have been revised to 22 and 33 stories as a result.
Councillor P. Singh returned to the meeting at this time, and resumed Chair.
In response to questions from the Committee, B. Flewwelling noted 10 affordable units can be included in the proposed development at this time.
S. Raic, Wendi Johnston, Pinegrove Community Association, J. Wisenberg, R. Galbraith and A. Heywood were in attendance in opposition to the application, noting concerns with the privacy of existing low-rise properties, lack of nearby commercial and community amenities, increased traffic, and safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
In response to questions from the Committee, E. Schneider noted while this community does not possess significant parks and trails nearby, there is opportunity for outdoor recreation and amenity areas are proposed at the rear of the site as well as on top of the podium/building base.
In response to questions from the Committee regarding traffic concerns, E. Schneider noted staff recognize this section of the King Street East corridor contains high traffic volumes, and confirmed that the applicant has provided a revised Transportation Impact Study (TIS) that has been accepted by the Region of Waterloo and City of Kitchener Transportation Staff. E. Schneider noted the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) are currently reviewing the updated Transportation Impact Study provided. Further, E. Schneider indicated the MTO's plans to construct a Highway 8 flyover to Highway 401 would have the potential to significantly decrease traffic along this part of the King Street East corridor.
In response to questions regarding the ability of regional staff to attend the Council Meeting, E. Schneider noted staff will endeavor to have further conversations with regional staff, and can note the Committee's request for their attendance at the February 10, 2024 Council Meeting.
Councillor J. Deneault brought forward a motion to refer the staff recommendation outlined in Development Services Department report, DSD-2024-292, to the February 10, 2025 Council Meeting to allow staff the opportunity to have further conversations with the applicant, regional staff and the Ward Councillor regarding the building height, transportation impacts, site access, community amenities, and parking concerns.