Requesting permission to sever two parcels of land and retain one parcel to facilitate the development of 2 new mixed- use buildings. “Severed Parcel 1” as identified on the plan submitted with the application, will have a width on Charles Street East of 73.5m, a depth of 38.1m and an area of 2790 sq.m.; and, permission to grant an easement over the newly proposed easterly lot line of “Severed Parcel 1” having a maximum overall width of 7.3m in favour of “Severed Lot 2” (Properties municipally addressed as 51 and 75 Charles Street East) for the purpose of access. Permission is also being requested for minor variances for “Severed Parcel 1” to permit 0 parking spaces per dwelling unit whereas 0.2 parking spaces are required, to facilitate a 7-storey, 103-unit supportive affordable housing development as outlined in Site Plan Application SP24/013/C/TS. “Severed Parcel 2” as identified on the plan submitted with the application will have a width on Charles Street East of 31.8m, a depth of 43.58m, and an area of 1680 sq.m.; and, permission to grant an easement over the newly proposed westerly lot line of “Severed Parcel 2” having a maximum overall width of 7.3m in favour of “Severed Lot 1” (Properties municipally addressed as 51 and 75 Charles Street East) for the purpose of access. Permission is also being requested for minor variances for “Severed Parcel 2” to to permit 0 parking spaces per dwelling unit whereas 0.2 parking spaces are required; and, to permit 1 space per 140 sq.m. of office space, whereas as the By-law requires 1 space per 90 sq.m. of office space, to facilitate a 10-storey, 69-unit affordable housing and retail/office development as outlined in Site Plan Application SP24/023/K/TS. The retained land (municipally addressed as 50 Eby Street South) will have a width on Eby Street of 20.18m, a depth of 64.93m, and an area of 2120 sq.m. and existing building will remain.