The Committee considered Development Service Department report, DSD-2024-429, dated September 11, 2024, recommending approval of the Heritage Permit Application (HPA) HPA-2024-IV-023 to permit the demolition of all buildings at the property municipally addressed as 153 Courtland Avenue East.
M. Drake, Senior Heritage Planner presented the report. S. Bassanese, Manager, Site Plane, G. Stevenson, Director, Development and Housing Approvals, and S. Vrentzos, Manager, Enforcement, were also in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee.
In response to questions regarding the declining condition of the property, S. Vrentzos confirmed two Orders to Comply had previously been issued for exterior repairs.
In response to further questions, G. Stevenson noted Heritage Planning and Enforcement Staff have begun taking an inventory of vacant buildings in heritage districts and designated properties, in efforts to better preserve existing heritage properties. G. Stevenson also confirmed, if demolished, the property will remain vacant at this time.
It was noted the recommendation arising from this matter would be forwarded for Council's consideration on October 21, 2024.
Moved by D. Vongphakdy