Submission No.: B 2024-009 & A 2024-043
Applicant: Estate of Monika Ruttkowski c/o Walter Pfeifer
Property Location: 500 Stauffer Drive
Legal Description: Part Lots 8 and 9, Biehn’s Tract; being Part 5 on Reference Plan 58R-20312
In Support:
W. Pfeifer
P. Chauvin
Written Submissions:
The Committee was advised the applicant requested consent to sever a parcel of land having an approximate lot width of 141.5m, a lot depth of 39.2m and an area of 0.208 hectares (Block 2 on the Severance Plan). The lands to be retained will have an approximate lot width of 715m, a lot depth varying from 518-725m and an area of 39.4 hectares (Block 1 on the Severance Plan). The purpose of the application is to create a sanitary servicing block (Block 2) that is to be conveyed to Activa Holdings Inc. (‘Activa’) to facilitate the future sanitary servicing of lands on the west side of Strasburg Road. The Committee was advised a minor variance is also being requested to permit a lot width of 141.5m, to recognize the resultant width of the proposed severed parcel of land, whereas the 'FTR-1' Zone only permits the existing width of a lot.
The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2024-236, dated May 8, 2024, recommending approval with conditions as outlined in the report.
The Committee considered the reports of the Region of Waterloo Transportation Planner, dated May 2, 2024, and May 6, 2024, advising they have no concerns with the application subject to conditions.
W. Pfeifer and P. Chauvin, MHBC Planning were in attendance in support of the staff recommendation.
In response to questions from W. Pfeifer, T. Malone Wright advised the severance plan submitted with the subject application was incorrect as it outlined 3 existing blocks however, as one of these blocks have already created through the dedication of Strasburg Road, there only 2 existing blocks. It was noted the severance plan was revised following the submission of the application to indicate 2 blocks.
The Committee noted conditions 5 and 6 of the staff recommendation outlined in Development Services Department report, DSD-2024-235 requires a Notice of Source Protection Plan Compliance and Archaeological Assessment Report, matters which will be addressed through the plan of subdivision. It was noted, it may be an onerous requirement for the applicant to fulfill these conditions for approval of their consent application. In response, P. Chauvin requested the Committee remove conditions 5 and 6 proposed in the staff recommendation. T. Malone-Wright noted conditions 5 and 6 were requested by the Region of Waterloo thus should not be omitted without consultation with the Region. T. Malone-Wright suggested the wording "if necessary" be included in Conditions 5 and 6 to allow this matter to be addressed between the Applicant and Region. P. Chauvin expressed concerns with the suggested language noting it does not guarantee the Region will not enforce a requirement for a Notice of Source Protection Plan Compliance and Archeological Assessment Report through the Consent process.
M. Gambetti brought forward a motion to approve the staff recommendation outlined in Development Services Department report, DSD-2024-235.
S. Hannah brought forward an amendment to the motion for Conditions 5 and 6 outlined in DSD-2024-235 to include the wording "if required" which was voted on and was Carried.
The motion as amended was then voted on was Carried.
Moved by M. Gambetti
Seconded by B. McColl