Submission No.: A 2023-131 to 134
Applicants: 55 Franklin GP Inc.
Property Location: 55 & 59 Franklin Street South, 50 & 54 Eighth Avenue
Legal Description: Lot 143, Lot 152, Part Lot 142, Part Lot 144, Part Lot 151, Part Lot 153, Plan 254
In Support:
M. Maxwell
C. Miller
Written Submissions:
The Committee was advised the applicant requested permission to permit a minimum parking rate of 0.415 spaces per dwelling unit (25 spaces), rather than the minimum 1 space required; and, to permit a multi-unit parking rate of 1 space per 53sq.m. (6 spaces) rather than the required minimum multi-unit rate of 1 space per 35sq.m. In total 31 parking spaces will be provided per building for an overall total of 127 parking spaces, to facilitate the development of 4 6-storey mixed used buildings containing commercial uses on the main floor and residential units above, 240 units are proposed to be affordable residential units.
The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2023-507, dated November 8, 2023, recommending approval with conditions as outlined in the report.
The Committee considered the report of the Region of Waterloo Transportation Planner, dated October 31, 2023, advising they have no concerns with the subject application.
The Committee considered the report of the Grand River Conservation Authority Resource Planning Technician dated November 1, 2023, advising they have no concerns with the subject application.
C. Miller, GSP Group was in attendance in support of the staff recommendation.
In response to questions from the Committee, C. Miller noted the first preliminary plan conducted had a slightly larger yield per building, explaining the reduction of 16 units (4 units/building).
S. Hannah noted concerns with the reduction in parking being adequate to handle the various demands and uses of the subject property.