The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2023-395, dated August 30, 2023 regarding a Draft Cultural Heritage Landscape (CHL) Study for Lower Doon.
J. Vieira presented an overview of the staff report noting staff are proposing designating the subject study area as a Cultural Heritage Landscape under the Ontario Heritage Act. J. Vieira provided an overview of the recommendations outlined in the CHL study, advising there is no recommendation required from the Committee however, staff are seeking the Committee's feedback. G. Stevenson, J. Zunic, Senior Planner and N. Goss, Manager, Policy and Research were also in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee.
In response to questions from the Committee, J. Vieira noted this project is the first cultural heritage landscape being implemented in the City of Kitchener. In response to further questions from the Committee, it was noted the Doon Valley Golf Course was not included within the subject cultural heritage landscape as it was determined the golf course qualifies as its' own independent cultural heritage landscape. Further, the golf course is an individually listed property in the City's municipal heritage register thus warrants merit to be analyzed for its' individual heritage significance. It was also noted the golf course expands into Cambridge thus any cultural heritage landscape work will require coordination with the City of Cambridge. Lastly, it was noted the golf course is geographically separated from the boundaries proposed for the Lower Doon cultural heritage landscape.
G. Stevenson noted, as part of the Bill 23 implementation work, Staff did not place high priority on the designation of the Doon Valley golf course as it is owned by the City of Kitchener. It was noted, designation of the Doon Valley golf course can be addressed in Staff's 2024 Workplan.
J. Vieira advised next steps in this process includes identifying the Lower Doon CHL on Map 9 of the Kitchener Official Plan through an Official Plan Amendment and, incorporating policies into a new section of the Official Plan dedicated to CHL implementation within Kitchener. It was noted the City will also be pursuing designation of Willow Lake Park and 1810 Old Mill Road/ the Grand River Natural Area (Old Mill).