The Committee considered Development Services Department report DSD-2023-239, dated June 8, 2023, recommending adoption of the City Initiated Official Plan Amendment OPA23/001/K/TR; and, approval of the City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA23/004/K/TR.
J. Oosterveld, Manager of Customer Service and Project Management presented the staff report. T. Roberts, Project Manager, Katie Anderl, Project Manager, N. Goss, Manager Policy and Research, T. Malone-Wright and Garett Stevenson were also in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee.
In response to questions from the Committee, G. Stevenson noted a new definition of a “parcel of urban residential land” was adopted through Bill 23, indicating “land within an area of settlement where residential use, other than ancillary residential use, is permitted by by-law and which is served by municipal sewer and water services”. G. Stevenson stated Staff recommend a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit up to 3 dwelling units on a parcel of urban residential land as a result. G. Stevenson stated staff can apply performance standards for zoning compliance review as a part of these measures, however, are not currently taking a strict approach regarding this matter.
Councillor Chapman noted the requirement to have digital neighborhood meetings to engage community members regarding the development process may pose accessibility concerns.
J. Readman, General Manager, Development Services informed the Committee, Staff have experienced increased participation and a wide range of individuals attending neighborhood meetings since transitioning to digital meetings. J. Readman noted instances of individuals requesting in person meetings, or further conversation regarding development applications have been accommodated. J. Readman also noted the heavy workload of Planning Staff, and the cost-savings, flexibility and efficiency digital meetings provide to alleviate these concerns.
Councillor Chapman brought forward a motion to amend clause 7 of the staff recommendation to state "hybrid neighborhood meeting" instead of "digital neighborhood meeting." Councillor Chapman requested a recorded vote regarding this matter.
Councillor Chapman's motion was voted on and LOST on a recorded vote, with Councillor D. Chapman voting in favour; and Mayor B. Vrbanovic and Councillors A. Clancy, A. Owodunni, S. Davey, B. Ioannidis, C. Michaud, D. Schnider, J. Deneault, M. Johnston and P. Singh voting in opposition.