Consent Application B 2024-041 - 98, 102, 221-233 Weber Street East
Requesting consent to sever a triangular-shaped parcel of land having a width of 6.8m, a southerly depth of 10.9m, and an area of 36.8 sq.m. to be conveyed as a lot addition to the land municipally addressed as 217 Lancaster Street East. Permission is further requested to create 4 new lots fronting on to Lancaster Street East for residential use, there will be two retained parcels one at the corner of Irvin Street and Lancaster Street and the second having frontage on Weber Street East, the overall parcel is irregular in shape.
Consent Application B 2024-042 – 221 Lancaster Street East
Lot Width (Frontage on Lancaster Street East) – 11.2m
Depth – 22m
Area – 240.1 sq.m.
Minor variances to Zoning By-Law 85-1 are also being requested (Minor Variance Application A 2024-116) for 221 Lancaster Street East to permit an obstructed Driveway Visibility Triable (DVT) whereas the By-law does not permit obstructions into the DVT; and, minor variances to Zoning By-Law 2019-051 and 85-1 to permit a front/exterior porch setback of 0m rather than the required 3m; and, to allow a front yard setback of 1.9m rather than the required 4.5m.
Consent Application B 2024-043 – 225 Lancaster Street East
Lot Width (Frontage on Lancaster Street East) – 17.8m
Depth – 22.7
Area – 397.2 sq.m.
Minor variances to Zoning By-Law 85-1 are also being requested (Minor Variance Application A 2024-117) for 225 Lancaster Street East to permit an obstructed Driveway Visibility Triable (DVT) whereas the By-law does not permit obstructions into the DVT. Minor variances to Zoning By-Law 2019-051 and 85-1 are being requested to allow for two driveway accesses whereas the By-law only permits one; to provide 0 bicycle spaces, rather than the required 2; having a front yard setback of 1.6m rather than the required 4.5m; and, to permit steps to be less than 0.6m in height to be located 0m from the lot line rather than the required 0.5m setback. Further, a minor variance to Zoning By-Law 2019-051 is being requested permit 217 Lancaster Street to provide no Class C Bicycle Parking rather than the required two spaces.
Consent Application B 2024-044 – 229 Lancaster Street East
Lot Width (Frontage on Lancaster Street East) - 12.8m
Northerly Depth – 22.7m
Area 292.8 sq.m.
Minor variances to Zoning By-Law 85-1 are also being requested (Minor Variance Application A 2024-118) for 229 Lancaster Street East to permit an obstructed Driveway Visibility Triable (DVT) whereas the By-law does not permit obstructions into the DVT Further, a minor variance to Zoning By-Law 2019-051 and 85-1 is being requested to permit a rear yard setback of 4.0m rather than the required 7.5m.
Consent Application B 2024-045 – 233 Lancaster Street East
Lot Width (Frontage on Lancaster Street East) - 14.3m
Northerly Depth – 26.6m
Area 375.2 sq.m.
A minor variance to Zoning By-Law 85-1 is also being requested to permit 233 Lancaster Street (Minor Variance Application A 2024-119) to have obstructed Driveway Visibility Triangles whereas no obstruction to visibility is permitted. Minor variances to Zoning By-Law 2019-051 and 85-1 are also being requested to permit 233 Lancaster Street to have an exterior porch setback 0m from the front lot line rather than the required 3.0m; having a front yard setback of 1.8m rather than the required 4.5m; a side yard setback of 0m rather than the required 1.2 m; and, to provide 6.0% of front yard landscaping rather than the required 20%. Further, a minor variance to Zoning By-Law 2019-051 is being requested to permit 0 Class C bicycle parking spaces rather than the two required spaces.
Consent Application B 2024-046 - 217 Lancaster Street East
Requesting consent to sever a triangular-shaped parcel of land having a width of 6.7m, a northerly depth of 10.4m, and an area of 24.7 sq.m. to be conveyed as a lot addition to the land municipally addressed as 221 Lancaster Street East.
Consent Application B 2024-047 - 217 Lancaster Street East
Requesting consent to sever a triangular-shaped parcel of land having a width of 22.5m, a northerly depth of 27.6m, and an area of 316.9 sq.m. to be conveyed as a lot addition to the land municipally addressed as 98, 102 Weber Street East.
A 2024-115 - 217 Lancaster Street East (Retained Parcel)
Minor variances to Zoning By-Law 2019-051 and 85-1 are being requested for the retained parcel to permit a rear yard setback of 7.3m rather than the required 7.5m; to permit an obstructed Driveway Visibility Triable (DVT) whereas the By-law does not permit obstructions into the DVT; to provide no bicycle parking spaces rather than the required 2; to allow a front yard setback of 4.2m rather than the required 4.5m; to allow an exterior side yard of 1.9 rather than the required 4.5m; to allow a minimum lot width of 11.4m rather than the required 15m; to allow a front/exterior porch to be setback of 0.75m rather than the required 3m; and, to permit a balcony to be supported from the ground within the front yard with a setback of 0.75m rather than the required 3m. Further, minor variances to Zoning By-Law 2019-051 are being requested permit 217 Lancaster Street to have a corner lot width of 11.4m rather than the required 12.8m; to provide no Class C Bicycle Parking rather than the required two spaces; to permit a balcony to be setback 0.75m from front lot line rather than the required 3m; and, to allow the driveway width to be 45% of the lot width rather than the permitted 40%.
Retained Parcel – 98-102 Weber Street East
Lot Width (Frontage on Weber Street East) - 36.9m
Depth – 46.7m
Area – 2,233.7 sq.m.
Minor variances to Zoning By-Law 2019-051 and 85-1 are being requested for the retained land for the property municipally addressed as 98-102 Weber Street East (Minor Variance Application A 2024-114) to permit 2 single detached dwellings on one parcel, whereas the By-law only permits 1, to permit an obstructed Driveway Visibility Triable (DVT) whereas the By-law does not permit obstructions into the DVT; to permit a front/exterior porch over 0.6m in height, having a 1.6m setback from the front lot line rather than the required 4.5m; to provide no bicycle parking spaces rather than the required 2; to permit a front yard setback of 2.8m rather than the required 4.5m; and, to permit a balcony to be supported by the ground and setback 1.6m whereas it is required that a balcony not be supported by the ground and have a minimum setback of 3m. Further, minor variances to Zoning By-Law 2019-051 are being requested to permit steps that exceed 0.6m in height to be setback 1.6m from the street line rather than the required 3.0m; and, to permit a front/exterior porch exceeding 1.0m in height to be setback 1.6m from the front lot line rather than the required 3.0m.