The Committee considered Development Services Department Report DSD-2024-324, dated July 22, 2024, recommending a refusal of a Heritage Permit Application (HPA) HPA-2024-V-015 to construct a rear-yard addition on the property municipally addressed as 99 College Street.
D. Choudhry, Heritage Planner, presented the report. G. Stevenson, Director of Development and Housing Approvals, was also in attendance to respond to questions from the Committee.
D. Choudhry noted the proposed addition outlined in Heritage Permit Application, HPA-2024-V-015, does not meet the policies related to new additions to existing buildings , outlined in the Civic Centre Neighborhood Heritage Conservation District Plan. It was noted approval of the subject HPA would have a negative impact on the integrity of the Civic Centre Neighborhood Heritage Conservation District.
S. Burrows, Facet Design Studio, addressed the Committee in opposition to the staff recommendation, noting the construction of the rear yard addition would create additional housing units, increase fire safety and would not have negative impacts on the integrity of the Civic Centre Neighborhood Conservation District.
In response to questions from the Committee, S. Burrows stated the existing chimney is not proposed to be demolished.
In response to questions from the Committee, D. Choudhry noted the proposed addition and material of dark grey aluminum siding is incompatible with the original structure.
In response to further questions, D. Choudhry stated despite the addition being proposed to be located at the rear of the property, it will have a negative visual impact on the existing home and street, and will be highly visible due to the size, colour and design. It was noted the design of the roof is incompatible with the existing building and due to its size and scale, the addition would most likely dominate the original building.
The Committee voted in opposition to the staff report, recommending refusal of the construction of a rear-yard addition on the property municipally addressed as 99 College Street. It was noted a vote in opposition to the staff recommended refusal, would be recorded as a vote in favour of Heritage Permit Application, HPA-2024-V-015.
It was noted any recommendations arising from this matter would be forwarded to Council for consideration on August 26, 2024.
Moved by D. Rosskopf